2. Hearth of Obad-Hai Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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2. Hearth of Obad-Hai

A copse of magnificent sentries of ancient oak of deep emerald green stand solidly in a ring that rise as a monument to the primordial gods. Silvery ethereal glow lance off of the canopy that embrace a glowing mist in the center. A tight knit, woolly carpet spread ivory blossom's grace the grove except for several pathways worn through the area. A pleasant smell lingers in the air and many small insects flit about. Below the verdant roof with the right eyes, waves of immense earth power resonate from those trunks deep into the ground that is the foundation of this village. Faint tendrils of light motes float from limb to limb to eventually be absorbed by into the ground. Thick stands of bramble bushes form the grove’s outer defenses. Only one path wends its way through the brambles. Wild berries grow here in profession. This is obviously a place of worship. As you approach uninvited, your inhale the scent of flower, leaf, earth, filling your senses with health. The trees are neatly pruned, cared for and have shaped their branches into convenient arches above the grove as well as into seats and ledges where small items can be placed. At the heart of this circle of power a highly polished altar was carefully shaped from living teakwood where flowers, nuts, berries, and garlands of leaves are placed. Its base is carved with Sylvan and Druidic runes and its top has been carved into a basin, which, which can be filled with pure rain water. The grove is considered hallowed ground and is used for various rituals. A small path leads to the shrine from the Village Green under the great boughs of the of the copse to a small humble cottage of stone.
The Hearth of Obad-Hai, a sacred druid's grove, is a place of profound spiritual significance in the township of Cienega Valley. Located across the Village Green on the east side of the Nigb's Run river, at the southern end of the township, this grove is a center of worship and nature reverence for followers of the Old Faith. It stands as a testament to the enduring power and beauty of nature, dedicated to Obad-Hai, the ancient god of nature, woodlands, and beasts.


The Hearth of Obad-Hai is a magnificent copse of ancient oak trees, standing as sentries in a ring formation. These towering oaks have deep emerald green canopies that glow with a silvery ethereal light. The grove is blanketed with a woolly carpet of ivory blossoms, and pathways worn through the area suggest frequent visitation. The air is filled with a pleasant, earthy scent and the gentle hum of insects. Bramble bushes form a natural barrier around the grove, with only one path leading through to the heart of this sacred space.
Features of the Grove
  • Ancient Oaks: Massive trees with sprawling branches and deep green canopies.
  • Silvery Glow: Ethereal light reflecting off the leaves, creating a mystical ambiance.
  • Ivory Blossoms: Carpet of delicate flowers covering the ground.
  • Pathways: Natural paths worn by frequent visitors and caretakers.
  • Bramble Barrier: Dense thickets of brambles with a single path winding through.
  • Sacred Altar: A polished teakwood altar at the center, adorned with flowers, nuts, berries, and garlands.


The Hearth of Obad-Hai has been a place of worship and reverence for centuries. Originally venerated by the Flan people, the grove has continued to serve as a sacred site for druids and followers of the Old Faith. Over the years, it has been carefully maintained and protected, ensuring that its natural beauty and spiritual significance remain intact.
Key Historical Events
  • Ancient Veneration: Worship site for the Flannae Flan people, dedicated to Obad-Hai.
  • Continued Reverence: Maintained by druids and the community, preserving its sanctity.
  • Modern Significance: A crucial center for rituals and ceremonies in Cienega Valley.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Hearth of Obad-Hai holds a significant place in the political landscape of Verbobonc. Its influence extends beyond spiritual matters, impacting local governance and environmental policies. The grove's caretakers, particularly the druids, play a vital role in advocating for the preservation of natural spaces and sustainable practices.
Political Influence
  • Environmental Advocacy: Promotes laws and policies favoring nature conservation.
  • Alliances: Forms alliances with other regions and leaders supportive of environmental preservation.
  • Opposition: Faces challenges from forces of urbanization and expansion.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
The grove maintains a delicate balance in its relationships with the lords of Verbobonc, particularly House Asbury and House Milinous. While House Asbury is generally supportive due to their agricultural interests and alignment with the Old Faith, House Milinous presents a more complex dynamic due to their expansionist tendencies.
Key Relationships
  • House Asbury: Generally supportive, sharing a common interest in nature and agriculture.
  • House Milinous: More cautious relationship, balancing respect for the grove with expansionist ambitions.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The Hearth of Obad-Hai's influence extends throughout the Viscounty, where it serves as a beacon for environmental stewardship. Its presence reinforces the values of the Old Faith, encouraging other communities to adopt sustainable practices and respect for natural spaces.
Regional Impact
  • Environmental Policies: Influences regional laws and policies to favor conservation.
  • Cultural Significance: Acts as a cultural and spiritual hub, promoting the values of the Old Faith.
  • Community Integration: Integrates natural spaces within communal life, fostering a deeper connection to nature.

Sacred Groves and Worship Practices

The Hearth of Obad-Hai is part of a network of sacred groves that serve as centers of worship for the Old Faith. These groves are places of power, recognized and used by druids to keep the earth healthy and renewed.
Worship Practices
  • Seasonal Festivals: Celebrations marking the cycles of nature, such as the first snow or spring blooms.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Offerings and prayers to honor the natural world and its cycles.
  • Protection of the Wilds: Active efforts to safeguard natural spaces from corruption and destruction.


The Hearth of Obad-Hai stands as a testament to the enduring reverence for nature in Cienega Valley. Its ancient oaks, mystical ambiance, and sacred altar make it a place of profound spiritual significance. Under the care of Tanithil Mornala and the support of the community, the grove continues to be a vital center of worship, environmental advocacy, and cultural heritage in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Hearth of Obad-Hai by 3orcs
“Whatever is contrary to nature is contrary to reason, and whatsoever is contrary to reason is absurd.”
Tanithil Mornala
Tanithil Mornala, a half-elf druid of level 8, is the primary caretaker of the Hearth of Obad-Hai. His deep connection to nature and commitment to the Old Faith make him a revered figure in Cienega Valley.
Role and Responsibilities
  • Grove Caretaker: Maintains and protects the grove, ensuring its sanctity.
  • Spiritual Leader: Guides the community in rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Obad-Hai.
  • Environmental Advocate: Promotes sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
  Tanithil Mornala
  • half-Elf (Drd8): HP 28; AC 4[15]
  • Atk +1 spear (1d6+1) or sling (1d4) Move 12
  • AL N; CL/XP 10/1400
  • Special: elf traits, druid abilities
  • +2 save bonus vs. fire, spells (4/3/2/1)
  • 1st: faerie fire, locate animals x2, predict weather
  • 2nd: create water, cure light wounds x2
  • 3rd: call lightning, hold animal; 4th—animal summoning I
Equipment: +1 leather armor, +1 wooden shield, +1 spear, sling with 40 bullets, potion of extra-healing (x3), potion of neutralize poison (x2)
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Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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