8. The Shining Temple of Pelor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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8. The Shining Temple of Pelor

This graceful tall, airy, building proudly stands over the village as beacon of good and Righteousness. The very stones of white alabaster glow with a soft light that can be seen from anywhere in the valley. Each side of the building boasts large high arched windows that are placed so the sun shines into most of the rooms throughout the day.   Stepping inside you smell fresh pine and see bright polished floors and walls. The rooms feature open, sunny visages of the village and valley as well. The halls and rooms are kept scrupulously clean. many pilgrims of Pelor who stop here to rest before continuing to explore into the Gnarley Forest of Kron Hills to drive out evil. Many devout travelers can be found in the central gardens where they relax and plan for their future journeys and exploits.   The entrance foyer opens into a large open domed sun drenched worship hall with focused channels of pure sunlight setting the altar of Pelor aglow. Across the dome an encompassing myriad of scenes painted across the entire dome of the old faith's The Summer Tree with Pelor as the central figure
The Shining Temple of Pelor is a graceful, tall, and airy building that proudly stands over the village of Cienega Valley as a beacon of good and righteousness. The very stones of white alabaster glow with a soft light that can be seen from anywhere in the valley. This temple serves as a spiritual haven for the followers of Pelor and a place of rest for pilgrims before they venture into the Gnarley Forest of Kron Hills.


The Shining Temple of Pelor is located in the heart of Cienega Valley, easily visible from anywhere in the village due to its radiant presence. Its strategic location allows it to serve as a guiding light for the faithful and a symbol of hope for the entire community.
The temple is constructed from white alabaster stones that emit a soft glow, creating an aura of sanctity and purity. Each side of the building boasts large high-arched windows that allow sunlight to flood the interior, ensuring that the temple is bathed in natural light throughout the day. The structure is adorned with intricate carvings and symbols of Pelor, adding to its majestic appearance.
Upon stepping inside, one is greeted by the fresh scent of pine and the sight of bright, polished floors and walls. The rooms feature open, sunny views of the village and valley, and the halls are kept scrupulously clean. The entrance foyer opens into a large, domed worship hall where focused channels of sunlight illuminate the altar of Pelor. The dome is adorned with a myriad of scenes depicting the old faith's Summer Tree, with Pelor as the central figure.
Central Gardens
The central gardens within the temple serve as a peaceful retreat for pilgrims and devout travelers. Here, they can relax and plan their future journeys and exploits. The gardens are meticulously maintained, providing a serene environment for reflection and prayer.

Diety Dogma and History

The worship of Pelor is deeply intertwined with the old faith's mythology. Each spring, Obad-Hai is born and grows into an eager and daring boy. At the threshold of summer, Ehlonna guides him to manhood. In the summer, Obad-Hai becomes the Stag King and leads the Wild Hunt. His strength withers in the autumn until he is the Shalm. At the last breath of the year, Nerull slays him and hangs his corpse from the Summer Tree. Pelor then cuts him down and buries him, allowing the cycle to begin anew. This cycle reflects the natural rhythms of life and death, renewal and decay.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Shining Temple of Pelor plays a significant role in the politics of Verbobonc. The church is a member of the governing Council of Abbots, and its followers form a strong and benevolent flock that works across the Viscounty to promote health and defense. Pelor's clerics are known for tending to the sick and providing for the basic spiritual needs of their communities.
Local Politics
Pelor's position as a greater god of Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing allows the Shining Temple to maintain harmonious relationships with other local religious institutions, such as the 6. Chapel of the Cudgel and the 2. Hearth of Obad-Hai. The high priest of Pelor is able to balance the lawful strictness of St. Cuthbert's worshippers with the natural reverence of the Old Faith.


  • Canon Austol Pengelly (Church of St. Cuthbert): Works closely on community and spiritual affairs.
  • Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai): Collaborates to maintain balance between traditional and new faiths.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Supports village governance and community initiatives.
  • Gigur Nónason (Vintner's Guild): Engages in economic and trade matters to support the community.
  • House Asbury and House Milinous: Navigates political dynamics to ensure the temple's influence and the village's prosperity.
Political Relationships
  • Church of St Cuthbert: Maintains a cooperative relationship, working together to promote community well-being.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Collaborates on governance and community projects, ensuring the prosperity of Cienega Valley.
  • Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai): Works to balance the different religious influences in the village, promoting harmony and mutual respect.
  • House Asbury: Enjoys strong support and protection, ensuring the temple's influence and security.
  • House Milinous: Maintains a cautious but respectful relationship, navigating the political landscape to avoid conflicts.


The Shining Temple of Pelor stands as a beacon of good and righteousness in Cienega Valley. Under the guidance of High Priest Yvan Cross, the temple promotes health, strength, and unity within the community. Through its harmonious relationships with other local religious institutions and its influence in regional politics, the Shining Temple of Pelor plays a crucial role in the spiritual and social fabric of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
The Shining Temple of Pelor by 3orcs
"Pelor made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel.”
High Priest Yvan Cross  High Priest Yvan Cross is a tall, dignified man in his late forties with a commanding presence. He has sharp blue eyes, short-cropped silver hair, and a stern yet kind expression. His robes are of the finest quality, adorned with symbols of Pelor, reflecting his high status and dedication to the faith.
Yvan Cross is a compassionate and wise leader, known for his unwavering commitment to the principles of Pelor. He is approachable, yet authoritative, and his sermons are both inspiring and practical. Yvan is deeply dedicated to his congregation and the well-being of Cienega Valley.
Yvan's primary motivation is to promote the teachings of Pelor and to ensure the health and prosperity of his community. He strives to be a beacon of hope and righteousness, guiding his flock with wisdom and compassion. If shadows are all you see in front of you turn around to face the light. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
High Priest Yvan Cross by 3orcs
Temple / Church
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Holy Symbol of Pelor by 3orcs

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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