the forests of the Viper

The Forests of the Viper is the geographic region to the east of the Grey Guardians mountain range.   While occasionally, the Forests of the Viper are occasionally fertilized with volcanic ash and/or set on fire by the volcanos of the Grey Guardians mountains, there are relatively fewer eruptions on the east side of the mountains than the western side. Also, prevailing winds in the Isthmus go from east to west, so more ash is carried west to the aptly named Forest of Ash.   The Forests of the Viper are known for having lots of snakes which is saying something because Lustria as a whole is teeming with snakes. Generally, the snakes here are relatively small and quite poisonous though there are a few giant constrictors, the big boas are mostly in jungles south of here.   Whether or not this forest is coincidentally full of snakes or because Slann Lord Mazdamundi terraformed this jungle to be full of snakes is up for debate, but none of the First are complaining about how good the local snakes are at biting would-be invaders.   The local Lizardmen are pretty good at avoiding being bit, and they regularly carry anti-venom medicine just in case. While the Lizardmen themselves have few major problems with the snakes here, this jungle is a terrible place to bring one's llama herd.


Relative to the rest of the Great Jungle, the trees here are a little bit shorter and the vegetation is a little bit denser, and it's a little bit more dry because rain clouds are usually pushed west fairly quickly.


A lot of fast growing and nutrious roots and nuts grow in the local soil conditions and this attracts small mammals and lizards. A lot of fruit and rotting vegetations attracts insects which attracts lizards and frogs which eat them. The large population of snakes feeds on the aforementioned lizards, frogs, and mammals. A few venom resistant predators eat the snakes.   It is "Forests of the Viper" plural not singular. This is a proverbial Galapagos Islands that Charles Darwin would love to see if he could somehow survive here and did not suffer from ophidiophobia. Each forest is slightly different and has slightly different native snake species.   There are relatively fewer large predators here, but that is not to say this region never sees a Carnosaur, they are simply relatively uncommon here.

Natural Resources

There are a lot of nutricious edible plants here, but most Skinks don't like foraging here. Even Skinks are not completely at ease among poisonous snakes.   The main resources here are the snakes themselves and the venom they produce.   There are a handful of rare plants that can only be found in this region, but that is unique to almost all of Lustria, almost everywhere has some rare plant that is only found in one specific region.


If an invader wants to land on the east coast and attack Hexoatl by the shortest possible route, than that invader will march his soldiers through the Forests of the Viper.   While the famous vipers in this forest have bitten the ankle of many an invader, the vipers are not sufficient to defend Hexoatl by themselves.   Many battles have been fought here and the jungles are routinely watered with blood.


Some Skink priests with an aptitude for Beast magic choose to make a pilgrimage and "become one with the vipers" in a spiritual sense.   It is noteworthy that Skink priests that routinely visit the Forest of the Viper often are more powerful than average.   It is not especially common for Slann Lord Mazdamundi or his minions to utilize serpent swarms in their armies but if they want biting serpents, this is the logical place to get them and it is the beast caste Skink priests who have this task.   Oddly enough, the Cult of Sotek does not visit the Jungle of the Viper much. They certainly like the snakes but this site has not seen many large scale battles against the Skaven and there aren't more than one or two shrines of Sotek hidden in the jungle here.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under


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