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General Store:





  • Fate & Mixtures

    • Apothecarist: Darthodain, male half-elf
    • Healing Potions
      Potion of Healing 50 gp
      Potion of Greater Healing 200 gp
      Potion of Superior Healing 2,000 gp
      Potion of Supreme Healing 20,000 gp
      Expanded Alchemy Items




  • The Sapphire Ring

    • Jeweler: Senteq, male gnome
    • Jewelry Gems
      Mundane Ring 3 sp Common Gems 10 gp
      Exquisite Ring 3 gp Uncommon Gems 50 gp
      Mundane Earrings 4 sp Exceptional Gems 100 gp
      Exquisite Earrings 4 gp Rare Gems 500 gp
      Mundane Necklace 5 sp Very Rare Gems 1,000 gp
      Exquisite Necklace 5 gp Legendary Gems 5,000 gp





Foreign Merchants:

  • Thranjov, male loxodon
  • Looping Coil, female tabaxi
    • Refreshments Refreshments
      Empty Flask or Tankard 2 cp Coffee 1 sp/cup
      Full Waterskin 2 sp Whiskey 3 sp/flask
      Fruit Juice 3 cp/cup Vodka 4 sp/flask
      Green Tea 5 cp/cup Gnomish Coffee 15 gp/cup
      Black Tea 6 cp/cup Dragonborn Tea 20 gp/cup
      Cider 8 sp/cup Dwarven Moonshine 200 gp/flask
      Milk 1 sp/cup Elven Wine 200 gp/bottle
      Hot Chocolate 1 sp/cup Expanded Edible Items
  • Yllara, female firbolg
    • Flowers and Seeds Flowers and Seeds
      Bouquet of Common Flowers 1 cp Tree Seeds 5 cp
      Crop Seeds 1 cp Bouquet of Whistleweed 1 sp
      Wildflower Seeds 4 cp Bouquet of Glowblossom 1 sp
      Bouquet of Fine Flowers 4 cp Bouquet of Phoenixblossom 1 gp
      Fine Flower Seeds 4 cp Sprig of Mistletoe 1 gp
      Fruit Tree Seeds 3 cp Bouquet of Dragon Lily 5 gp
  • Dimaia, female tiefling
  • Juruc, male satyr
    • Magic Items for Sale
      Bag of Holding 400 gp
      Goggles of Night 400 gp
      Sending Stones 400 gp
      Minor Common Magic Items 100 gp


  • The Beached Leviathan

    • Bartender: Harrag, male human
    • Observant Vagabond: Grennel, female dwarf
    • Functionally Alcoholic Sage: Andrella, female halfling
    • Retired Merchant: Feng, male half-orc
    • Bard Entertainer: Korin, male dragonborn
    • Food & Drink
      Mug of Dwarven Ale 4 gp
      Glass of Elven Wine 13 gp
      Feast per person 10 gp
      Room per night 8 sp




  • Moonstone Mask (2 gp/night)
  • Shining Serpent Inn (4 gp/night)


  • Fallen Tower

    • Bartender: Vagdru One-Ear, male orc
    • Observant Vagabond: Chidrux, female lizardfolk
    • Untrained Hireling: Fyzgol, male goblin
    • Shady Dealer: Akhessa, male yuan-ti (thieves' cant for black market)
    • Drunken Rake: Kipsion, male rabbitfolk
    • Food & Drink
      Mug of Ale (1 pint) 4 cp
      Gallon of Ale (aka buy 5 pints get 3 free) 2 sp
      Bread (⅛ lb.) 2 cp
      Cheese (¼ lb.) 1 sp
      Chunk of Meat (½ lb.) 3 sp
      Room per night 1 sp
  • Driftwood Tavern

    • Bartender: Madame Rosene, female human
    • Observant Vagabond: Xakerius, male owlfolk
    • Skilled Hireling: Kavrala, female elf
    • Retired Mercenary: Genea Hidetwister, female goliath
    • City Council Member: Leanne, female human
    • Food & Drink
      Pitcher of Common Wine or Shot of Liquor 2 sp
      Bottle of Fine Wine (8 glasses) or Aged Liquor (8 shots) 10 gp
      Triceratops Steak with Duck Eggs and a Glass of Wine (1 lb.) 4 sp
      Shark Filet with Wild Rice and a Glass of Wine (1 lb.) 5 sp
      Giant Toad Tongue with Quail Eggs and a Tankard of Hard Cider (1 lb.) 5 sp
      Room per night 5 sp



Castle Never


Military Base

  • Barracks
  • Training Grounds

Ministry of Magic

  • Research Laboratories
  • Library
    • Free service once per day, roll an intelligence-based skill check to learn one piece of information on a common subject.
  • Book Store
    Book on common subject (advantage on next intelligence-based skill check) 10 gp
    Book on uncommon subject (advantage on next research downtime activity) 20 gp
    Book on rare subject (lore and select pieces of a monster's statblock) 50 gp
    Commune spellcasting 275 gp
    Legend Lore spellcasting 750 gp


  • Chauntea, goddess of agriculture
  • Gond, god of craft
  • Helm, god of protection
  • Kelemvor, god of the dead
    • Spellcasting Services
      Gentle Repose 44 gp
      Raise Dead 1,250 gp
      Speak with Dead 99 gp
  • Malar, god of the hunt
    • Spellcasting Services
      Animal Messenger 44/99/176/275 gp
      Skywrite 44 gp
      Speak with Animals 11 gp
      Speak with Plants 99 gp
  • Oghma, god of knowledge
  • Selûne, goddess of the moon
  • Torm, god of courage and self-sacrifice
    • Spellcasting Services
      Cure Wounds 11/44/99/176/275 gp
      Greater Restoration 450 gp
      Lesser Restoration 44 gp
      Remove Curse 99 gp
  • Tymora, goddess of good fortune
  • Tyr, god of justice


After the death of the royal family in the Mount Hotenow eruption, Dagult Neverember created the title of "Lord Protector of Neverwinter" and is building Neverwinter as a mercantile empire. Lord Dagult is a despot and enforces heavy-handed laws. He levies heavy taxes to noble families living in Neverwinter, preventing them from gaining significant power, while enacting harsh laws that prohibit the formation of new guilds and limits the power of existing ones. While viewed as tyrannical, the populace also recognize that his leadership through a dark time is slowly restoring Neverwinter as a center of civilization in the Sword Coast North.


The army of the city, known as the Neverwinter Guard, is composed mostly by the mercenaries hired by Lord Neverember, and a few independent militia forces assembled by the citizens also help to protect the city in times of need. Lord Neverember also hires adventuring bands to deal with threats to the city that the mercenaries can not handle. Many former edifices and homes have become martial garrisons to maintain the monsters of the Chasm at bay.


Neverwinter is a friendly city of craftsmen and gained its name from the skill of its gardeners, who contrive to keep flowers blooming throughout the months of snow -- a practice they continue with pride. The city features an unusually warm climate and its docks always remain ice-free in all but the coldest of winters. The Neverwinter River flowing through the city is heated by fire elementals living under the nearby Mount Hotenow in the Neverwinter Wood.   Thirty years ago, the eruption of Mount Hotenow almost entirely destroyed Neverwinter. Much of the southeastern quadrant of the city was ripped apart into a great rift, known as the Chasm, that continually spawned plaguechanged horrors. The ruling royal family was killed during the powerful eruption and Neverwinter remained in ruins for almost two decades until Lord Neverember began repairing it to its former glory.   Dagult Neverember claimed to be a descendant of the former rulers and invested a great deal of his own personal fortune to rebuild the city's infrastructure. He hired workers to help rebuild the city, employed mercenaries to protect it from monsters and bandits, bought the interest of merchants to send their caravans again to Neverwinter, and even ensured Neverwintan refugees had enough food and gold in hand. Neverwinter is slowly being restored as a center of civilization in the Sword Coast North.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Skilled Hands, Jewel of the North
Inhabitant Demonym
Sword Coast Map

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