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MIS-POST But neat announcement!

Previous message was uh, definitely not intentionally posted LOL. Sorry.
  Anyway, so last night I logged into my Amazon page and saw I was #9 in Teen/YA Fiction on Disabilities! It's no longer there at #9 but I do have the receipts and I can prove it LOL.
  Anyway, if you would like to support an indie author who writes about being queer and disabled, please consider my debut book, Inarora's Excursion!
  #fantasy #urbanfantasy #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Author #YoungAdult #YA #Teen #teen #youngadult #teenfiction

Caturday Reads #9

Happy Sundog! ... And belated happy Caturday!   Since I was sick and bedridden most of yesterday, I'm releasing my planned reading journal today instead. It's been fun to see so many new names coming up during the silver week and it was actually a bit difficult to pick out this week's featured reads - after sorting out the worlds that got a feature last week, I ended up deciding by dice roll for near all prompts! But don't worry, the rest are going to my trusty reading list for later features. :)   So, without further ado:  
Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Silver Week!
  Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!   * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

August Reading with Lavani #9

"I have found any innate magic power has to be treated with care or it can consume you. I am glad some Kishi have found ways to manage their...hunger." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.



This week has been a bit rough. Got sick with the flu on Monday (or possibly Sunday?) and it has lasted the whole week. No fun at all, can tell you that much. Still, I got some work done at least. Especially these last few days.
  As I mentioned last week, I had begun working on a magic system that used speech. Well, I got it done, more or less. It is inspired by the Skyrim Dragon Shouts and Black Bolts power. As one might guess, it is rather OP.
Voice of Urh
Physical / Metaphysical Law | May 27, 2022

Ever word uttered is power. It will either alter or break that which is Spoken to.

  The second article I made this week, was finishing the last "mortality" condition. One that is most akin to immortality, and which was made primarily due to me working on my Dhavians (which is still not done yet).
Condition | May 28, 2022

Those who are immune to death, to a varying degree. They are also untouched by time and thus do not age.


An Article Every Day #90

Today was a little tumultuous as I sacrificed yet another seemingly great career opportunity in favor of my creative ambitions. Life is simply too short to be put in a box, imo.

Anyway, it's Day 90! I wrote about an undersea territory called Matog Dashka, which can be found in my increasingly disorganized World Atlas folder. Better that than empty, though...

I wonder if there's anything special that could be done for Day 100... I'm open to suggestions if y'all have any.


End of Week 2 Update 15/20

So, we're up to day 16 and I have 15 prompts done. Liking where I am in the progress, especially because I haven't skimped. I'm averaging 930 words per article with a total of 13954 so far.
  If you feel so moved - I'm always looking for feedback. I will be adding images, but please do not hesitate to make suggestions. And yes, I did write about Dwarven Bacon for prompt #9, which is the one I'm sponsoring... :)
  Here are the articles since the last update:
Sopowowe Qebaro
Geographic Location | Jul 8, 2021
Mosai Mekape
Myth | Jul 9, 2021
Dwarven Bacon
Myth | Jul 12, 2021
The Dark
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 12, 2021
Puqopen Navu
Geographic Location | Jul 13, 2021

Ethnicity | Jul 14, 2021
Organization | Jul 15, 2021
Organization | Jul 15, 2021
Pewamro Runes
Language | Jul 16, 2021


SC 2021 Update - 10/10 Prompts Complete!

With one day to spare before the next set of prompts are released, all of my copper prompt articles have been submitted. I'm a little gutted because, had I not been hit with a massive headache yesterday, I would have probably written this update yesterday. But oh well! Celebrate your victories where you've earned them (and I think I've earned this one :P )
  If you fancy having a read of any of my articles, you can find them all here:
  And because I've tracked it on a spreadsheet here's a break down of some of the stats for the copper prompts so far: > Total word count - 8132 words > Article with the most words - A Song of Law and Opportunity for prompt #8, which currently sits at 927 words > Article with the least words - SNDY and the Death of Cerberus for prompt #9, which currently sits at 753 words, this one was definitely the hardest for me to write out of the 10 prompts we've had so far > Personal favourite? Gradician Ferrets for prompt #4 - I really enjoyed writing this one and researching ferrets (they're pretty cute guys c'mon) and I hope you guys enjoy reading it :D
  Plan of action until the silver prompts get released tomorrow will be reading through some of the other submissions for prompts and spreading the love! As well as adding some links to my own articles (but let's be honest, that's less important than spreading the love)

Monday update #9

Hey! :D
  It's Monday again and thus time for an update. My Kickstarter got funded last week and it's cutting close to the second stretch goal. Colors for the printed version. :) (well, for those who want to.)
  I will be working on the Zine mostly this week but I will also do the prep article for Summercamp and on a secret project that I've started XD
  My apartment also needs a cleaning and I will also do some streaming. Today...well...Monday afternoon European time I will be streaming while I draw a character and on Thursday morning I will be writing an article, possibly on one of the worlds that are currently private.

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured