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Tristan el'Mer

A Shadar-Kai Warlock who has been wandering the Sword Coast in attempt to find his place, and himself, in Faerun.

Campaign & Party

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Wed 11th Sep 2024 07:29

The Journal Entry’s title

by Tristan el'Mer

Begin writing your story here...

Tristan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. To Greenest
    17th of Flamerule, 1486
  2. Goblins and Wargs and Minotaurs, oh my!
    16th of Flamerule, 1486
  3. Greenest is the Blackest
    18th of Flamerule, 1486
  4. On dragons, monks, and shite
    19th of Flamerule
  5. Ethereal Me
    20th of Flamerule
  6. Revelations
    21st of Flamerule
  7. The Cave of Triumph and Terror
    22nd of Flamerule
  8. Liches Give Stitches, and other Horrors of the Dark
    22 of Flamerule
  9. The Long Road Ahead: Part I
    26 Oct 2023 02:43:52
  10. The Long Road Ahead: Part II
    30 Oct 2023 11:15:41
  11. The Long Road Ahead: Part III
  12. Sleeping on Splinters
    Mid Uktar
  13. The Convergence of the Bizarre and Unlikely
    30 Dec 2023 06:46:04
  14. Castle Capers: Part I
    24 Jan 2024 02:54:14
  15. Castle Capers Part II
    03 Feb 2024 03:55:45
  16. Castle Capers Part III: Shadows of Darkest Light
    14 Feb 2024 04:36:56
  17. Castle Capers Part IV: Visions of the Past & Hints of the Future
    10 Mar 2024 04:11:19
  18. Mountain Dream Houses and How to clear out the vermin you find when you arrive:
    13 Mar 2024 01:42:46
  19. Through the Woods, and into the Air, to Blathokus’ House We Go!
    06 Apr 2024 01:12:05
  20. Castle in the Sky, I Can Fly Twice as High
    19 Apr 2024 09:15:46
  21. The Ice is on Fire
    29 Apr 2024 02:16:48
  22. The Journal Entry’s title
    13 May 2024 03:45:19
  23. The City of Splendors
    13 May 2024 03:45:19
  24. City of Splinters
    01 Jun 2024 06:30:58
  25. Faces, Masks, and Catnip
    13 Jun 2024 04:11:26
  26. Doppler DupliCity
    02 Jul 2024 09:10:51
  27. Amorphisms
    18 Jul 2024 04:43:48
  28. High in the Skies and Deep in the Ground
    16 Aug 2024 12:39:53
  29. Aberrations and Apparitions?
    16 Aug 2024 12:41:08
  30. Of Temples, Tombs, and Secrets
    11 Sep 2024 07:29:02
  31. The Journal Entry’s title
    11 Sep 2024 07:29:02

The major events and journals in Tristan's history, from the beginning to today.

Of Temples, Tombs, and Secrets

After leaving the temple built by, or for, Trella we returned to Elturel briefly. Virgil commissioned an amateur adventuring group to go back to the temple to retrieve the Beholder in hopes of getting it stuffed. Why he wants such a grotesque looking th...

07:30 pm - 11.09.2024

Aberrations and Apparitions?

Here, deep in the earth, we found some sort of structure. Perhaps of Dwarven design, but undeniably impressive. Periodically fighting off more of the disgusting Troglodytes, some of whom were definitely more dangerous than their inferior kin we’d prev...

12:41 am - 16.08.2024

High in the Skies and Deep in the Ground

The death of Oblex came none too soon. Virgil and I were both in pretty rough shape when it finally melted away. Underneath thee disgusting ooze that remained was a curiously small box that was rigged up with a rather vicious looking trap. Rhumor manag...

12:40 am - 16.08.2024


We began our infiltration of the town of Leafside quite cautiously, using the heavy storm and cover of night to move about undetected. The first building we went into appeared to be empty, and seemed to have been such for quite some time, save for be...

04:44 pm - 18.07.2024

Doppler DupliCity

Faerun is such a strange place. After the Council of Waterdeep meeting we spent a few more days in Waterdeep while we waiting for the magical items commissioned by Nuri and Virgil. I spent my time brewing potions to be better prepared for the trials ahe...

09:12 pm - 02.07.2024

Faces, Masks, and Catnip

Leaving the warehouse our little group was looking pretty ragged. We were all looking forward to a bath and a good chunk of time to rest and rejuvenate. It was not meant to be. As we made our way through the streets we were unexpectedly accosted by m...

04:12 pm - 13.06.2024

City of Splinters

I know that every city has its problems. There is no such thing as the perfect place. They all will have some form or another of issue, be it crime, greedy nobles, or simply being marred by the machinations of a few power hungry narcissists. Even knowin...

06:41 pm - 01.06.2024

City of Splinters

I know that every city has its problems. There is no such thing as the perfect place. They are will have some form or another of issue, be it crime, greedy nobles, or simply being marred by the machinations of a few power hungry narcissists. Even knowin...

06:40 pm - 01.06.2024

City of Splinters

I know that every city has its problems. There is no such thing as the perfect place. They are will have some form or another of issue, be it crime, greedy nobles, or simply being marred by the machinations of a few power hungry narcissists. Even knowin...

06:31 pm - 01.06.2024

The City of Splendors

At long last. We finally made it back to Waterdeep. Though it has only been a few weeks since we passed through here, it feels as though it was ages ago. I finally get to enjoy the City of Splendors! Upon sighting the city we landed just outside o...

03:45 pm - 13.05.2024

The Ice is on Fire

The calm and scenic view I write this from is such a welcome change. Nestled in the wide valley created by the rising Crags to the North, the Surbrin Hills to the East, and the Starmetal Hills to the West, I can just make out where the edge of the Neverw...

02:17 pm - 29.04.2024

Castle in the Sky, I Can Fly Twice as High

Skyreach Castle. We made it. I still can’t really believe I am here. The one place I most wanted to go to, and my journey in tracking down the Cult of the Dragon has led me to that very place. Perhaps the gods do take an interest in mortal affairs af...

11:43 am - 20.04.2024

Castle in the Sky, I Can Fly Twice as High

Skyreach Castle. We made it. I still can’t really believe I am here. The one place I most wanted to go to, and my journey in tracking down the Cult of the Dragon has led me to that very place. Perhaps the gods do take an interest in mortal affairs af...

09:17 pm - 19.04.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tristan.

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