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20th of Flamerule

Ethereal Me

by Tristan el'Mer

20th of Flamerule:
With the dawn came the slight, and somewhat haggard looking, form of the monk Leosin. He insisted on an immediate departure for Greenest. Conrad expended some of his energy to provide the monk with some healing, and with the former prisoners still severely weakened from their ordeal, the trek back was slow going, and blessedly uneventful. We did not learn much new information from Leosin, in fact I am not entirely certain we learned anything new from him at all. It was very disappointing truth be told, though I am glad the monk made it out.
As we skirted the outside of the Sharp Teeth I decided it would be an ideal time to test out my suspicions and within the cover of a copse of trees I teleported. It was true. I had not imagined it. For a few seconds after reappearing it was as though a part of me remained on the ethereal plane briefly, not fully here or there… simply remarkable! The remainder of the trip I pondered this new realization, and what it could mean.
Upon arriving back in Greenest things went about as one would expect. Grateful townsfolk for the return of friends and loved ones, grateful for the return of what few looted items we were able to return, and the promised payment from Governor Nighthill. We were put up in the inn overnight. Blessed respite in a comfortable space.