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17th of Flamerule, 1486

To Greenest

by Tristan el'Mer

Accepting the truth of our lost companion, we set out in the morning with this archeologist, Conrad. He too was heading to Greenest, though not for the purpose of attending the festival. Apparently he is searching for someone he has lost… I think he said his name was Silverpen or Silverton. Something like that. While there is greater safety in numbers, I wonder how this simple human could be of any use if we were attacked again. Conrad does appear to be a learned sort, in a way. He is constantly writing, and appears a bit more enamored of the surrounding flora and fauna than is typical of his race. Rhumor has continued to remain largely hidden, shadowing us as we proceed on to Greenest.
For my part, I spent most of this day walking in silence, pontificating on the bizarre self-sacrifice of this paladin we had known, and then later in the day trying to think about how best to enjoy myself once we arrive at the festival. We should get to Greenest tomorrow. I admit, I am looking forward to a real bed, and some good wine or at least some good ale.