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Tue 2nd Jul 2024 09:10

Doppler DupliCity

by Tristan el'Mer

Faerun is such a strange place. After the Council of Waterdeep meeting we spent a few more days in Waterdeep while we waiting for the magical items commissioned by Nuri and Virgil. I spent my time brewing potions to be better prepared for the trials ahead. I understand that Rhumor spent his time working with his wyvern mount. I suspect we will all wish at some point we had spent more of our free time with them. I know I certainly need to. Perhaps when we get back to Waterdeep I will spend some time with mine to better my understanding of the marvelous creature. I wish I could figure out a way to actually communicate with it… this is something I shall meditate on.
The trip to Hardbuckler was fairly uneventful. I ended up spending my evenings making jewelry, and sewing some of the marvelously large canine drake fangs I previously harvested into Conrad’s hide armor. I managed to stitch 3 of them into each shoulder, creating a splendid look. Conrad now looks a little less like a book worm, and a little more like the warrior he truly is at heart.
At the town we met a gnomish ranger who we hired to guide us through the forest. Before we left town though we discovered that the inn keeper had been replaced by a doppelganger. I suppose we should not have been surprised by this. We were able to prevent it from getting away, though it is entirely possible that it could have sent word to someone else. The journey through the woods was largely uneventful, though Rhumor did inadvertently draw the attention of some shadowy creatures that nearly took him out before we could arrive to help. By the time I arrived the rest of the group had managed to completely wipe them out. This bizarre event did provide us with a few strange clues though. The site in which the attack occurred appears to have been where four townsfolk from Hardbuckler had committed suicide after seeing something they could not live with. What that was exactly we have no idea, but I cannot help but wonder if it is connected to the doppelganger presence. Perhaps they saw a loved one replaced and could not live with the implications of such betrayal of trust.
Upon reaching our destination in the Dark Wood, a village nestled into the hillside, thick with huge trees, rocky boulders, and overgrown brush, we found the place crawling with guards. Very unfriendly guards who refused to let us speak to anyone about trying to re-establish trade with the town – even after Nuri’s rather impressive persuasive arguments. Nothing fishy about that at all. The four guards at the front gate paid for the hubris and obstinance with their lives, save one whom we will be interrogating. It is unlikely we get anything from it, for yes, it too was a doppelganger, but we must try. This is important to Nuri, so if we must wipe out every doppler here, then it shall be done.