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21st of Flamerule


by Tristan el'Mer

21st of Flamerule:
Rousing from my meditative state in the predawn I scrounged about for some coffee and took my steaming cup with me for a jaunt around town. I wanted to be on the hill for the sunrise. Having spent so much of my existence either in shadowy places, or hidden in tunnels, caves, or dark alleys, I cherish the beauty of the rising and setting sun. After the sun had fully broken on the horizon I turned to head back into the town proper, and from this vantage point noticed there to be quite a number of new arrivals during our absence. I decided to see if any new merchants might have anything useful for trade, and to inquire if there was anyone learned in town that might shed more light on my mysterious runes.
Regrettably none of the merchants carried anything outside of the mundane equipment one could find in nearly any shop. I did learn of a local wizard though, and upon announcing my intent to go visit, Nuri decided to join me. This visit did not go at all like I had planned. The wizard, whose named I learned was Lizzette, was… well, she was just rude. Once again Nuri proved her worth though. She and Lizzette seemed to be on very good terms, and with Nuri’s prodding Lizzette finally acquiesced, agreeing to look at the rubbings. She confirmed what Conrad had told me – their origin being that of Giants, and also noted that they were very, very old. Perhaps the most valuable tidbit of information she imparted though was that in township of Elturel there was a magic school, and its headmaster, one Morgan… something or rather, had a particular fascination with Giants, and would likely be able to tell me more.
Leosin wanted to meet again. Evidently having given more thought to what we had imparted to him the previous day regarding the toasts to “the dragon queen.” He believes it may be a reference to Tiamat, the legendary god of dragons that had been banished in a previous age. Lovely. Because an evil dragon isn’t bad enough. An evil god is not bad enough. Now we are talking about an evil dragon god. What have I stumbled into? No matter, evil is evil, and I must do what I can to help. The monk then implored us to go back to the raider camp to try and learn even more, which will in all likelihood involve us going into that cave… seriously? Oh well, at least there are no stairs there. I do despise stairs.
After a fair bit of discussion about how to get back into the camp at all, we finally decided that we should pose as hunters, bringing fresh meat in for the camp. I vaguely recall that being Grok’s idea, and frankly, it was a pretty good one, though I worried how believable our troupe would be. As we headed back to the raider camp and Conrad was able to find a spot where we could likely bag some venison. Rhumor managed to get one that evening. We decided to wait until morning to actually arrive at the camp. The night was warm and damp. I spent most of it ruminating over my runes, and trying not to come up with fantastical answers to the questions I now impatiently had for this headmaster Morgan.