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Mon 13th May 2024 03:45

The City of Splendors

by Tristan el'Mer

At long last. We finally made it back to Waterdeep. Though it has only been a few weeks since we passed through here, it feels as though it was ages ago. I finally get to enjoy the City of Splendors!
Upon sighting the city we landed just outside of the northern gate to stable our new flying mounts. Most fortuitously we quickly were able to locate a stable that had suitable stables for the wyverns and we gladly paid the stablemaster Elias to house all 3 of the mounts. The associated inn, called Bramkis was run by Bram, a most cordial fellow. It was to him that we first introduced ourselves as The Scalebreakers.
Scalebreakers. We have a name. The first time I was in Waterdeep, which was less a year ago, I was on my own. Not too far removed from my recent employment with Bregan D’aerthe in Luskan, I knew no one south of Luskan. I’ve now shared untold adventures and dangers with my unusual group of companions. We have formed bonds, the nature of which I am uncertain I fully understand. Such a disparate group of people, whose origins span much of the Sword Coast, and even into other planes of existence. Yet, here we are, together still. We largely succeeded in the task presented to us all those weeks ago, even exceeding our mandate and not only tracking the treasure, but taking it away from the Cult altogether, and by eliminating some of their leadership. Through all of that we have come and feel tied together enough to identify ourselves not as individuals, but as a unified group: The Scalebreakers.
Without the wyverns carrying the load now our first order of business was to drop off the enormous white dragon’s head we were now carrying around with a taxidermist in town. Conrad ran off for the University while the rest of us headed to the shop. During the walk to the shop Nuri and Rhumor managed to spread the great name of the Scalebreakers so well that before long people were whispering it before we had even made it to them. I suppose the saying is true… rumors spread like wildfire!
Once that bit of business was out of the way I was thrilled to finally return to Boggles to see if they had managed to procure a greatsword suitable for my purposes. Upon inquiring within and receiving a rather nervous answer that nothing had been located, it seemed something was… off. When I pressed the gentleman behind the counter he insisted nothing was amiss. But, catching on, Nuri and Rhumor took note of my suspicion, and when pressed by Nuri and Rhumor’s very convincing methods, the man behind the counter revealed he had just sold a Flametongue to a nobleman who was a collector not 2 hours earlier. Apparently this Harper run shop lacks considerable integrity, which somewhat dampens my view of this organization. I must remember this group I have pledged myself to is not entirely trustworthy. He did return my deposit though and we left the shop.
The remainder of our shopping endeavors that evening were also rather disappointing. The few merchants we had time to visit before the markets closed lacked what we were looking for, or in a few cases were asking more than we felt we could afford. Needing to find lodgings for the night and knowing the amount of coin we were currently carrying around I was reminded of a inn that I had done some brief work for as a laborer when I passed through Waterdeep heading south all those months ago: The Blackstar. It had a reputation for being one of the safest places in the city and was quite luxurious on the inside. We rented 3 rooms for the night. Luxurious really is an apt description for the place. After checking in we were offered delectable treats, superb wine, and fabulously appointed rooms on the top floor. Whist the rest of the team went off to their respective rooms I opened a marvelous bottle of cabernet sauvignon and sat on the balcony to watch the sunset. The plush chair I lounged in such a far cry from the many days and nights spend on mud, dirt, rock, and stone surfaces. City of Splendors indeed. Lounging in this chair and sipping the splendid wine I simply knew that tomorrow would be a better day.
We spent the night carousing a bit with a dwarven hunting party we’d met at the taxidermist, and were met by Leosin during that time, informing us that we would be called in for a debriefing sometime in the next few days.
The next morning we turned to matters that were heavy on Rhumor’s heart: The Tower of Luck.
As we walked the streets toward the tower I mulled over the other concerns various members of our little band would be ruminating over. Nuri would be anxious to search for her grandparents. I suspect time to be of essence in that endeavor, and it may well be the first order of business for us when we leave Waterdeep again. Likewise Virgil would be concerned with locating his friend, though at least she was in a location of her choosing, however unpleasant it may be. Locating her may be a most difficult task. Conrad would also be consumed with finding his old mentor and companions from the dig site. Perhaps more news will be waiting for him at the University. Perhaps least of these concerns is my search for the remnants of Caste Kurrus-tay in the Sword Mountains. Once again my mind drifting to the Castle Naertyr and the potential benefits of spending some time in the observatory. That journey should be must quicker given our new mode of transportation – we could fly right into the castle!
Upon arriving at the tower we met with both the priest we had saved as well as their high priestess. As proof of Rhumor’s sincere desire and worthiness to join their order, the high priestess tasked us with clearing out a defiled crypt that was beneath the tower. This was to be done at dusk this same evening.
This left us with enough time to try and do some more shopping. Sadly I was not able to locate a sword that really spoke to me, though a couple of potential options were presented… perhaps I will look at them again another time. Or perhaps I will consider commissioning some improvement to my half plate armor. I did speak to a master armorer who could do such a thing, and even would be capable of crafting half plate out of adamantine. We did find some very interesting items whilst going from shop to shop though. Nuri and Virgil both commissioned some specialty items, and we ran across a truly wonderous cloak of displacement. Despite my hesitation at the exorbitant cost, my compatriots insisted we buy this cloak for me to wear. I feel pangs of guilt at the cost, but it is a marvel I must say. Even without casting my mirror images, it is like having a double next to me at all times – I am just very difficult to place accurately for anyone trying to attack me.
Nearing the end of the day we headed back to the Blackstar to take a bit of respite, take part of light meal, and examine our new purchases more thoroughly before heading back to the Tower of Luck. Upon arriving at the tower the priest joined us in heading down to the crypt. Rhumor deftly disabled some traps as we made our way into the main chamber. We were greeted with a vengeful Revenant, angry with the Tymorans for allowing his crypt to be defiled. He called upon ghasts, wights, and skeletons to aid him in the fight and Virgil and I quickly had our hands full right at the entrance of the main chamber, and with some many creatures attacking us, I was doubly grateful for my new cloak as it duped my enemies time and again into attacking the air next to me.
It was then that the spellcasters began to shine. Nuri threw out a violent electrical storm that hampered their movement and sent shocks of lighting arcing out. The priest threw up spirit guardians who wailed away on any who drew too close. Rhumor used his newfound piety to force some of the undead creatures to flee in terror. The Revenant repeatedly tried to assail me with some unknown force, attempting to break my will in some insidious way, but I was fortunate enough to repel whatever it was. When the ghostly knight finally got close enough Virgil and I began to crush him under combined blows of our greatswords, with Virgil pushing through his exhaustion to deliver the final fatal blow. Watching that tremendous blade he now wields I marvel at its power. A fitting weapon for a warrior of his skill. I wonder if She is watching on in pleasure….