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Wed 24th Jan 2024 02:54

Castle Capers: Part I

by Tristan el'Mer

The infiltration of Castle Narytar went better than any of us could have hoped. After Snapjaw spoke to leading members of his tribe he and one other lizardfolk warrior escorted us into the castle under the guise of being new cult recruits. Thanks to Nuri’s brilliant fast talking and a touch of illusion, we got past all of the guards as well as a dining hall full of cultists, and were able to make our way into an unoccupied tower. From there, with help from Rhumor, we then crossed over to the tower we needed to be in that led to the basement stairs by running along the castle’s perimeter wall.
The top of the tower we re-entered had been boarded up and was completely unused by the cult. We soon discovered why. There were three skeletons on the floor, and Virgil recognized the vestments of the Order that his friend belonged to. As he was investigating the remains three ghostly apparitions rose and attacked. Once the ghosts were dispatched Virgil was able to confirm that none of the remains were that of his friend. Part of me wonders what it is he expects to find here. I empathize with him, and do hope we find evidence that his friend had escaped whatever fate befell their order before the Cult of the Dragon arrived, but so much time must has passed. With the strange timelessness of the Fey Realm it could have been decades… or more. If his penpal’s cohorts remains are now nothing but bone, how long has it been? Perhaps some clue will present itself.
Now free to follow the stairs all the way down into the subterranean portion of the castle that Sintos had alluded to, and that our new Lizardfolk allies had indicated would be the most likely location for the Bullywug leader, Pharblex Splattergoo, we descended. Two bullywugs tended to some mud (the hatchery perhaps?) and were easy to dispatch. Following the cavern deeper in we ran into swarms of centipedes, giant frogs, and eventually more bullywugs. The centipedes, whilst annoying, were not a terrible threat, particularly once we figured out they shy away from flame (even torch flame was enough to accomplish this). Conrad spoke to the giant frogs and was able to convince them that we would not make for very good eating, an argument enhanced by the piles of dead centipedes we could now provide them. Then out came the bullywugs, who largely stayed underwater. Two of them got away deeper into the cave.
The cave system grows dimmer and dimmer, and I sense we are close to reaching our goal. I just hope this bullywug shaman is within our capability to deal with. Aside from the obvious price of failure for our little band, I do wish to see the lizardfolk freed from the forced servitude of the cult and bullywugs. I can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of Biteclaw and Snapjaw when we present them with the head of the bullywug shaman. If they will fight the cult with us, we should have no problem clearing out most of the rest of the castle’s residents. Then we can make a proper search for clues to Virgil’s missing friend, the cult’s next moves, and hopefully pack in a good portion of the treasure.