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Sun 10th Mar 2024 04:11

Castle Capers Part IV: Visions of the Past & Hints of the Future

by Tristan el'Mer

It is truly wonderous what a solid block of time spent meditating will do for someone. Most of the fog has cleared from my mind… though the memory of Her pressing into me as I fell in battle still lingers. Somewhat less after giving her some of what she wanted. As distasteful as I found his needless end, perhaps She will remain satisfied with the death of Borngray and I can slip into the shadows again and remain unnoticed.
Following our group’s time of recuperation we managed to best Borngray and his remaining minions. He talked readily enough, if not fully enough. The strangest things happened after that fight, in a room above where a strange arcane powered spyglass device was located.
Firstly, Nuri found while looking through it that the black dragon that resides in this swamp is actually two black dragons. Because, you know, one is not bad enough. We must be sure to pass this intel to the Harpers, assuming we live long enough to do so. Inspecting the device awoke a number of stone gargoyles. This fight was brief, but hard won as we were already tired from the battle with Borngray and his minions.
Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, some unbelievable arcane power has been imprinted in this room. As we approached we were, all of us, transported back in time to watch a dreadful scene play out. Apparently the final tale of what transpired in the castle regarding Virgil’s friend. Though, this still leaves more questions than answers. It seems clear that Virgil’s friend, Whistler, was betrayed by a friend within her stargazer community. This friend turned out to be a vampire who was aiding the cultists for her own nefarious reasons. The end of this strange vision was when Whistler threw an orb that transported both women….somewhere. I suppose this is good news, there is a chance yet that his friend lives, though where she is located is now less certain than ever.
Lastly, having watched Virgil very closely in the fighting over the last several days I believe I can now emulate his stamina recovery technique, and have even managed to further improve my defensive posture. I must continue to watch him so I can learn the secret to pushing myself to limits for that extra surge of energy he seems to get from time to time. He is a superb fighter, and I hope to learn as much as possible from him.
We leave the castle in the swamp heavily burdened with treasures, though much of that is in copper pieces. Conrad sought out the direct guidance of his… his what? His god? His avatar? Some secret primordial being of fire? Whomever, or whatever, it is told him we must press on with haste, and so we have done so. Straight to this hunting lodge in the mountains. This course of action agrees with me fully as I am anxious to find this Sky Castle that belongs to a Cloud Giant. How fortuitous it is that these paths intersect. At least, I hope it is fortuitous. If the Cloud Giants have aligned themselves with the Cult, I may be hard pressed to get them to provide any insight or answers I seek. Conversely… giants and dragons have a long history of hating each other. Mayhaps I could use this to my advantage, which would be advantageous to all of us really. What would the Harpers think if I could convince the Cloud giants to join our cause against the Cult? And perhaps with that happy news the unraveling of the mystery of my rune rubbings. What powers do they present, what knowledge bestowed upon those who unlock their secrets?
Yes, I will push Her out of my mind and focus on what is to come. I mustn’t let my concentration slip as I seek the path to knowing more about these runes.