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Wed 13th Mar 2024 01:42

Mountain Dream Houses and How to clear out the vermin you find when you arrive:

by Tristan el'Mer

This hunting lodge really is a simply idyllic place. High up in the mountains, somewhat secluded, breathtaking views… it even came with some superb wine. Of course when we arrived it was being inhabited by the cult of the dragon, which required some house keeping. Talis the White, who seemed every bit as arrogant as Borngray, nearly fell to my sword just after Virgil worked to save the innocent woman whom Talis had just insisted we kill. My third strike, which was largely my mailed fist and pommel, shortly thereafter knocked her out cold. Unfortunately this somehow triggered some magical armor in the room, and those things packed a wallop.
Once all of Talis’ guards and the enchanted armor had been dealt with, we began the interrogation. Ah yes, and I am getting a bit ahead of myself. How did we get here in the first place? Well, Talis initially was cordial. She invited us to eat and drink, and chat. Then Jamna appeared, ostensibly working for, or with, Talis. Lovely, I thought to myself. The conversation was strange. She essentially wanted us to do exactly what we were planning to do already, with the notable exception of leaving Rezmir alive. In exchange she would provide us with the necessary information and credentials to enter the castle unchallenged. Before she would trust us though, she insisted we kill an innocent woman right then and there. Of course this did not sit well with most of us. As Virgil executed a brilliant maneuver removing the young woman from the cultist holding a knife to her back, Talis ordered Jamna to kill us. Astonishingly Jamna flatly refused the order, and turned on Talis’ guards.
Okay, now back to the interrogation, which Jamna spearheaded. Talis was stubborn, but not quite as stubborn as Borngray. As a result we gained a great deal of valuable information. Near the end of the interrogation, Nuri, Conrad, and Jamna went out to free additional prisoners we had learned of. As Virgil and I all tried to sort out what Talis’ fate should be, Talis offered up one last tease: She knew something of the vampire that had vanished in the arcane vision we had all shared in the observatory. Her terms were ludicrous for giving up what she knew, and Virgil very nearly took her hands off for her foolishness. Finally she acquiesced and told him what she knew. Satisfied, Virgil departed the room. I looked at her and simply said, well you’ve held up your end of the bargain, and so shall I. I then departed the room. Shortly after I heard mutterings of a spell, followed by running steps, the twang of a bow string, and the thud of a very dead Talis’ body hitting the floor. Probably for the best, there’s no telling if she would have tried to warn those at the castle that we were on our way.
As Rhumor, Conrad, and I began to ensure the rest of the lodge was clear of potential threats and to avail ourselves of any additional valuables, Nuri spent time learning the wonders of a rather potent wand that Talis had wielded during the fight. Unfortunately that wand will not do us much good against the white dragon that lurks underneath Skyreach, but it is a great boon nonetheless. My spirits are bolstered by the knowledge that the alliance between the cult and this Cloud giant, one Blathokus by name, is already quite tenuous. Perhaps we can add to that strain and turn the giants against the cult. I must be extremely cautious in how this is accomplished however as Blathokus may be my only chance to uncover the meaning of my rune rubbings. Just the thought of learning their secrets has invigorated me, and drives me forward, despite the fact that I am a bit weary from all of the fighting.
What used to be a somewhat ragtag band adventurers, misfits, and unexpected allies is beginning to look like a unified team. Though each of us has very different, and personal, reasons for continuing down this strange path, our purpose is somehow unified. I consider Conrad’s missing colleagues, Nuri’s missing family, Virgil’s missing friend, my quest for knowledge, understanding, and belonging as well as Rhumor’s search for what defines his sense of self. Pulled in many directions individually but drawn on together by the greater threat looming ahead.
I wonder if Bregan D’aerthe has learned of the cult’s plans? Would the likes of Beniago or his superiors even care? They would have to know that the cult’s plans would pose a threat to their overworld dealings and profits, but would that be enough to convince them to get involved?