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Sat 6th Apr 2024 01:12

Through the Woods, and into the Air, to Blathokus’ House We Go!

by Tristan el'Mer

As we approached the town of Parnast on the way to find Skyreach Castle it became fairly apparent that we would need additional directions. A low hanging fog blocked our line of sight to wherever the castle might be. Perhaps we could convince the cultists in the town we are part of the cult with better results than our previous attempts.
Alas, ‘twas not to be. The leader of the cult in Parnast, whom most simply called Captain, was immediately suspicious. We were able to dispatch him and his underlings along with a truly terrifying monstrosity of a statue of Severin (The highest ranking leader of the Cult of the Dragon that we were aware of at the time). The animated statue was incredibly powerful, but we had the good fortune to be a fair distance from it when it animated, and were able to whittle it down before it posed a true threat to us.
Right about this time the Castle became visible to us – but only because it was flying away! A true local to the town that also hated the cult’s presence there quietly offered aid in the form of advice: The wyverns that were in the stables were trained to take riders to and from the castle when it was airborne. Nuri was ecstatic about this idea. While the idea of flying sounds marvelous, the idea of doing on the back of a potentially hostile creature was not. Moreso even since Conrad was really the only one among us that had any real experience in handling beasts. At the end of the day though we were going to need at least 2 of these to fit us all. There was a 3rd wyvern saddled and ready, and not wanting anyone to use it to follow us, I decided to brave the risks and ride the 3rd solo. Miraculously we all managed to get enough control of our new mounts without being bucked, clawed, or bitten. Off we went.
Yes, flying in this manner was exhilarating. Yes, it was frightful when you looked down. And, yes, it was mortifying when we realized we were going to have to engage in an aerial battle with experienced wyvern riders approaching us from the castle!
This fight was tricky, and unlike anything any of us had ever done before. Controlling the wyverns was of course the most difficult task. All was going quite well until Nuri’s wyvern took a nasty hit and began flailing about like a earth worm that just had salt poured on it. Virgil managed to keep his seat in the saddle, but Nuri began to fall. At this time I was a fair distance away, and mostly to one side at that – getting my mount close enough to the falling sorceress would be extremely tricky, and would risk me getting bucked. I did not see exactly how it happened, or who went where, but before it was all over all four of my companions were on one wyvern! Once the last of the cultists had been either killed or knocked off their mounts (with the end of result of them dying some hundreds or thousands of feet below us), we managed to make a safe landing in the wyvern holding area of the castle.
My mind races, my adrenaline still rushing, we are here. The answers to my runes are somewhere here. It’s just a matter of time now. And surviving long enough to find out. And then surviving long enough to make use of the knowledge. Aside from giants, dragons, red wizards, and a vampire what could possibly go wrong?