Tue 10th Jan 2023 08:11

The Shark Reborn

by Sir Graham White

Our travels to Ebberon's moons continue. This last one reminded me of home, or at least of my time in the army. We arrived in a village that was under attack by bandits. The portal distributed us in a strategic manner on to the battlefield. I guess this is what they mean when they say you are haunted by your past, as it deposited me in the water. Thankfully, I had just recently bought a cloak that would aid in such situations. Allowing me to glide through the ocean like a shark. I mainly focused on panicking the attackers in order to not only get them to flee, but for them to abandon any thoughts of attacking the village in the future.
While I did this, my companions dealt with the enemy that was on land. It seems Zeke got his first kill finally. I just hope that he didn't enjoy it too much, lest he risk following a path similar to my own. He's been very quiet. I've tried talking to him but it doesn't seem to be helping. I've thought about getting some dream lily for him since I know it can help in situations like this. But Victor Wolfe warned me about it. I didn't exactly understand what he meant, but I get the jist that some people don't react well to it. So, if Zeke can come out the other side of this without it's use it's probably for the best.