Tue 28th Feb 2023 05:30

A Musical Journey through Graham's Life and Adventures

by Sir Graham White

A musical Journey through Graham White's Life and Adventures




  1. Growing up: Graham White had a rough childhood constantly being picked on and bullied for being smaller than the other kids. At the age of 18 he decided he’d had enough. He trained and dedicated himself to learning the art of combat to exact revenge on his tormentors, both past and future.
    [Crawling by Linkin Park]

  2. Joining the Army: He ran with rough crowds and when the war broke out, he jumped at the opportunity to legally kill people for Breland.
    [Hootsforce by Glory Hammer]

  3. Becoming a member of the shock troops: He eventually found himself in one of the shock troop units. On one of the group’s raids, he found himself in the possession of a greatsword with a black crystalline blade and an obsidian hilt with a shark design upon it. He doesn’t remember how exactly he came to have the thing, but he soon became known as the urban shark. The war brought him to new heights of brutality that made it so that even his own allies were nervous to be around him.
    [The Bloody Verdict of Verden by Sir Christopher Lee]

  4. The war ending and seeking a purpose: This rift meant that when the war ended no one checked on him or even worried about what happened to him. This left him with a gnawing emptiness that he sought to fill with the only thing he knew, brutality. The growing emptiness caused him to seek out greater dangers in hopes that he might feel… something.
    [Down with the Sickness by Distrubed]

  5. Seeking Power to fill the void: For the next three years he left behind a trail of death and carnage being forced to keep moving to more remote locations, lest the consequences of his actions catch up with him. He still had a burning hatred for bullies and would often silence them with his blade.
    [Universe on Fire by Glory Hammer]

  6. Fighting the thing he shouldn't have fought: He eventually heard rumors of an ancient crypt that held a helm of incredible power. He broke into the tomb but what he found there was more than he bargained for. He never did find the helm, but he did find a powerful dark entity that drained away a large portion of his life before he was able to escape.
    [End of all hope by Nightwish]

  7. Deciding to change his life: Battered and beaten his whole life came crashing down upon him and he prayed for some way to turn away from his dark path, before passing out from his wounds.
    [Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park]

  8. Being Mentored: When Graham came to, he found himself tended by an elderly Kalashtar. The man identified himself as Victor Wolf, a cleric of the light. He told Graham that his quori spirit had led him to the place where he found Graham. It was through mediation and writing that Graham learned to expel the evil within himself, causing his black blade to crumble to dust.
    [Pompeii by Bastille]

  9. Devoting his life to the Path of Light: It was through the help and guidance of his new mentor that he learned the true nature of the blade. Graham is a descendant of a race of humans called Soul Blades. These warriors are able to forge a bond with a weapon and those weapons become a reflection of the warrior’s true self.
    [Starlight Brigade by TWRP]

  10. Learning all he can from the village: Graham lived in the village for a year after which he felt he had learned all he could and had finally achieved peace with the destruction of his old blade.
    [Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim]

  11. Taking a train to Sharn: So he traveled to Morgrave University with a letter of recommendation from his mentor. Graham hoped to learn more about his heritage. Graham was a model student and soon became a teaching assistant to a professor of history.
    [Last Train to Paradise by KDrew]

  12. Academic Life in Morgrave University: Graham is often confused by the behavior of some of the other students though. Some female students will request that he tutor them and then fail to show up with any study materials. What’s more, they start asking him strange questions like if he has a boyfriend/girlfriend and If they could be his friend. Needless to say, he’s friends with many students though he’s not sure why some of them randomly get upset with him and accuse him of performing with instruments. This is really strange since he doesn’t even own any instruments, much less perform with them.
    [All Star by Smashmouth]

  13. Finding out about the portal: Graham heard whispers about the portal. Nothing specific, but enough to make him curious, and he angled for a spot.
    [Ready to Go by Republica]

  14. Campaign Events

  15. Becoming a member of Team Indigo: Graham finally got on a team that will be going through the portal he heard about. Though he's not sure why he's suddenly been accepted but he's glad for the opportunity.
    [The Land of Unicorns by Glory Hammer]
  16. See (Making New Friends)

  17. First Mission and debriefing: Things went a bit wrong, but ultimately the group was highly successful at most of the things they were sent to do. Also, he learned a lot more about goblins.
    [Goblins' Song by Spellblast]
  18. See (Bandit Forest / Goblin Diplomacy / Heads, Goblins, and Councils)

  19. Second Mission and debriefing: After a chilling adventure Graham comes to realize that the group sending him and his friends on these missions plans very poorly. The ice troll will for him be a continual reminder the group needs to take it upon themselves to plan things better so that more time can be spent exploring and less time simply trying to survive.
    [Ice Troll by Harp Twins]
  20. See (Cold.... So Cold / The Frozen Council)

  21. Rescue Mission:Because Graham and his purplish blue team has been thriving they are given the important task of attempting to recover a team that was previously thought lost, Charlie's Team. The group was taken into a very dark and dangerous location. But in the end they were able to recover the last living member of charlie's team. Greatly impressing the council with their speed and effectiveness.
    [Winged Hussars by Sabaton]
  22. See (Lost Corridors / A Terrible End)

  23. The Dream Job: Graham's team traveled to a paradise world where magic crystals and dragon eggs literally fell from the sky. Unfortunately, they were only able to gather about a dozen or so surprise rocks and some of them had to be sent back because the portal room was unable to safely contain them all. Graham would like to go back, having been unable to locate any nearby towns. This seemed like the kind of place graham's people may have come from.
    [We want a rock by They Might Be Giants]
  24. See (Rock Retrieval )

  25. Memories of War: Graham's team travels through the portal to a port town that was under attack by raiders. The group decimated the raiders and sent the remaining few packing. They then took time helping the town rebuild. Nora made an important discovery in the form of books on portals that will allow the group to leapfrog in knowledge.
    [I am Murloc by Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain]
  26. See (The Shark Reborn, Trading by the Sea, )

  27. Salt Island: Graham's team travels through the portal to an island in the middle of the ocean. Exploring around his team discovers that this place is extra salty. Most of the team makes plans to return to this place as it may prove to be an ideal location for a second base of operations.
    [The Island of Wonders by Peter Crowley]
  28. See (Beach Day)

  29. The Lava Portal: Graham's team returned home and strangely the discussion turned to Graham's academic accomplishments, specifically that he'd been tutoring a number of students. Nora seemed particularly interested in Brianna who had borrowed Graham's copy of the book on portals. Later there was attempted sabotage of the portal by opening it to a lava moon. Thankfully this plot was foiled due to the timely actions of graham's group.
    [Ring of Fire (Party Rock Remix) by Sunny Heart]
  30. See (The Burning Ring of Fire)

  31. The Starcrossed Elf: Graham's team arrives in a town nearly killing some people and destroying a merchant's cart. After smoothing things out with the local guard the group decides to "acquire" a new team member. A convicted murderer by the name of Madrox.
    [Road to the Faire (The Celtic Book of Days) by David Arkenstone]
  32. See (The Festival of the Stars)

  33. The False Scepter: After installing Madrox as a member of the portal team, the group heads to their next location. A town where an annual festival is going on where teams attempt to find a lost scepter. After finding the scepter the group learns that the hunt is sham put on for the benefit of the town's children.
    [Fibber Island by They Might Be Giants]
  34. See (Liar Town)