Tue 28th Feb 2023 04:05

The Burning Ring of Fire

by Sir Graham White

We were supposed to go on another trip but the portal opened to someplace that we didn't have the proper hot weather gear for. There was a concern that fire people might come out of the portal so they closed it and we didn't go through. I'm glad that my push to have a better idea of what's on the other side has been fruitful. So, we had a bit of off time till the next portal.
I had a conversation with my expedition group about what I do on my off time. Nora was surprised (though I'm not sure why) that I was tutoring someone. She was so surprised that she wanted to meet one of my students, namely Brianna. I think Brianna is a good choice as I've worked with her multiple times and from what she tells me our sessions have as she's said "my time spent here worthwhile". I'm glad that I've had such a positive impact on her academic studies. Anyway, Nora, Mist, and Zeke came with me to meet Brianna. I spotted her in the cafeteria but lost sight of her when I spotted some other friends. I introduced my expedition group to the Crystalstrike sisters Tasha and Tina as well as, Fiona Netherhunter, Timothy Fernvale, Sarah Lionhand, Penny Alpencrest, Brick Proudwound, Amanda Elfgazer, and Turok Tuskdraft. But sadly Nora and Mist weren't able to hang out with us for very long as they had to use the restroom. I'm sorry they weren't able to meet with Brianna, maybe some other time.
That night some alarms went off and there was an emergency in the gate room. I should see about getting some armor I can get into quicker in case this becomes a regular occurrence. We arrived and I don't exactly understand what happened but there was screaming and lava started to pour out of the gate. I remembered one of the technicians mention something about how everyone should be clear of the gate when it's opening or closing and so I grabbed a table and started slapping the lava out of the way so that someone could close the gate. Some bad people showed up but they wanted to hug the lava for some reason. We captured one of them for interrogation.
Eventually, they were able to get the gate closed and after putting out the table I put it back where I'd gotten it. There was a brief discussion and then I assisted Geoffrey Boulderdown in the interrogation of the prisoner. This prisoner was fairly easy to break. I guess civilian spies aren't as hardy as wartime spies. We managed to get all the information we could. I was impressed with how much Goeffery was able to extract from the man before he expired. We probably could of gotten more but we were told not to bring him back to life for more questioning. Which was a shame because they are often more pliable after the first death. I'm glad mist stayed, though I am beginning to suspect that she's also spent some time on the battlefield but probably as part of a reconnaissance team. Since she seems to be no stranger to death but isn't quite as battle-hardened as you'd expect someone to be with front-line experience.