Fri 25th Nov 2022 05:57

Lost Corridors

by Sir Graham White

The last expedition has shown me that the leadership of the expedition is incompetent. They go on and on about political intrigue being the cause but to be honest I just don't see it. They are a bunch of children standing around a cloudy lake paying others to see what's at the bottom, without considering that it might be wet, or that it might be dangerous to send someone in that can't swim. I need to assume that they don't know what they're talking about. For example, on this most recent expedition, I was told not to bother with trade goods. This is crazy to me, for all I know our people have been arrested for wearing the wrong color hat and a simple fine is required for their release. A fine that could have been easily paid if we'd brought our trade goods with us.
Oh yeah, that's something else. It seems that this location is one that a previous team went to and went missing. Thanks to the competent contributions made by Zeke and Nora it's now possible to return to previous locations. It was probably something as simple as taking notes about where the portal turns and just making those same turns. Even the way we're finding out what's going on is bizarre. Zeke and I spoke with some technicians by the names of Janet aka Jemma and Kyle aka Keith. They warned us that the next location we were heading to was incredibly dangerous. They also told us not to tell anyone we'd spoken with them. I promised that I would not tell anyone about our conversation and before they left I again reassured Jemma and Keith they would be fine.
Anyway, we were sent through the portal seeking charlie's team. The place we entered was much like that damned temple I visited.... before my cleansing. Thankfully, the creatures present in this place only seemed to hunger for our flesh. But it even had one of those statue trap things but this one breathed fire. I'd completely forgotten about them until it went off. Though as badly as we were all torn up I realize just how much strength was stolen from me. But that was the past and that was a dark power that lived in me. As Wolfe explained the light may grow slower, but its strength is much greater. We were able to find one member of Charlie's team, a fish woman. from what she's told us though, the rest of her team as well as Charlie himself are probably dead. To be honest they were probably the lucky ones. I've seen firsthand what this kind of torment can do to a person, from the perspective of the tormenter....