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Tue 18th Feb 2020 06:04

(5) Worthless Mentality

by Your Boy

Solo session has started an your boy got kidnapped. Now, you might be saying, "Your Boy, how are you gonna get out if no one knows where you are." Well my dear Watson... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One step at a time fam. The first thing on the list was locating where this place is. How? well sir, you close your eyes and count your steps and create a mental map in your brain. After that you convince them to let you free, and then you bite them in the ass. LETS GO! I arrived at the base which took about 10-15 minutes of walking. Then they tied my up, removed my mask, and lo and behold, it was the bandit I was interrogating. I encouraged him to get his rematch on me, and he punched me. I asked him if he wanted me to spit on him so then he can yoink that thing back at me, but he said no. Missed opportunity for him. The first thing I said to him was why they where doing this in the first place. And he told me that I should already know why they were doing this. O_O Since I didn't know this, I needed a plan. Lucky for me, these people are the stupidest people I have seen in a while. I told them that Im actualy the son of the original Silver Eye, and that my dad died a few weeks ago because of a sickness. I also told them that he wanted to keep his work and family separate so he never told be anything about this Silver Eye stuff till he died. AND GUESS WHAT?! THEY ATE THAT LIE HOOK LINE AND SINKER! I asked them what happened and they said that a long time ago, Dominick and their boss, called BigB, where hired to do some assassination or something, and Dominick didn't want to kill the guy, but BigB did, so they had a creative clash and they parted ways. Now BigB is back, and whats to remove Dominick's gang of weak hearted people. There mentality is basically, if they deserve to die, they die. I told them that I 100% agree with them, but that they need to market it better because people just think they are mindless assassins. So I offered my help to act as a diplomat for them and spread their brand throughout the Slums. They actually thought about it for a moment, I told me that they would only trust me, if I disband my gang, they would at least consider it. Just letting you guys know, I was trying so damn hard not to laugh because of all this stupidity. I told them that tomorrow I can go with them to my secret base and that there I would disband the gang. They agreed to do this, so now we wait for the morning. and now the solo session ends. PS. I left out a bit more information, manly the stupid things I said, because im actually writing this story months after this session because my player was a lazy tomato and didn't want to write it, and now he forgot half the stuff that happened.
Now continuing with the story. I wasn't actually going to disband the party, duh. The hole reason for that solo session was for me to know where that base was and what was the motivation of BigB. I made sure to tell Dominick that when I get kidnapped, wait one day, and have an ambushed set up in their hideout (Dominick's hideout). Its morning, they blinded me, and I started walking, we finally arrived at the hideout, I started to give a speech to my gang friends about how this gang is now over. At the end of my speech, I jump into the crowd and the fighting commenced. This bloodborn guy showed up and gave us support, so I was cool with that. After the fighting ended we regrouped and I started to tell the party that I know where the base is, and now we have to start our WoW raid.
But that's where the session ends. and for the finale... next journal :P