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August 8, 1758

A journal entry of Iago - More Misfits? Why Not?

by Iago

The other moronic victims are still in a hurry, so yesterday we left super early to find our way to the Mournlands. Even appealing to the authority of the prince couldn't keep us in Grimdell, so our forced march in the rain continues.
Along the road we met 2 travelers, a sullen drow named Lael Blath and a super-frickin-annoyingly cheerful halfling Fayal High-Hill. I swear EW convinced her to come with us just to make sure that there was never a moment of peace and quiet. The were going the other way and decided to join us for no apparent reason, I am suspicious, but they weren't all in black so at least they aren't the most dangerous. They are the most stupid people we will likely ever meet though. Who goes to certain death just to sing a few songs with a terrible singer?
Fought some more of those huge zombies today - I seem to be actually looking forward to it. It breaks up the monotony a bit, cuts back on the singing, and we actually seem to be good enough to make it seem easy.