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Mon 5th Oct 2020 02:16

Session Date 2020-10-04

by Raven

[learn "Ghost in the Machine" from Electric Butterfly]
==[next day]==
[[from GM:]] Your unique sight makes the building look quite different. To you, it appears to be completely covered in thick metallic webbing, like giant spider webs made of shiny steel cable.
[[from GM:]] And crawling around in the "webs" are various sizes of spiders made of the same material, although you are aware that they are not corporeal. Similar to the spirits, but somehow different.
[[from GM:]] Bits of the glass building can be seen through the webs, but they are quite thick, especially on the upper levels
Strickland lights one of his spirit candles to see what happens...
[[from GM:]] After a few minutes, several of the "spiderlings" crawl over to investigate the candle, poke at it with one spindly leg, and then crushes it. In reality, the candle sputters out. No physical harm has been done to it.
Strickland cons one of the guards into loaning him his keycard, then he and Electric Butterfly return to the hospital. I remain on watch.
[[from GM:]] You notice that the spiderlings hover about the guards when they come out for smoke breaks and then reweave the webbing that "tears" when they walk through.
[[from GM:]] You also notice that it is the same three guards coming out for smoke breaks throughout the rest of the night. The one the Dr took the keycard from does not return.
[[from GM:]] You also notice that occasionally, the smaller spiderlings will move to another building or to a vehicle that is parked and start weaving webs between them, which are easily destroyed as people or other things move through them.
[[my question:]] does there seem to be any pattern to these extra webs? timing, targets, distribution relative to other protrusions, anything?
[[from GM:]] They seem to center around "tech" newer vehicle consoles, security cameras, laptops, cell phones, etc.
[[from GM:]] Other than the strange robotic spiders, the rest of the night goes pretty much as you would have expected. Long and mostly boring.
[[my question:]] I will circle the building several times over the course of the night...nothing notable on other sides of the building that you haven't already mentioned?
[[from GM:]] Main entrance is unused during the night, lots of motion sensors, and you can id some infrared sensors as well. And the lights on the 7th floor stay on all night.
==[next day]==
We need to kidnap one of the people with biometric access to the 7th floor...since the 7th floor is likely where Marie is being held