
The Region of Yamato lies in the far north-west of Kashura, bordering the northern coast up north and The Living Plains and Kawa Basin down south. It’s east is delineated by The Great Heights of Begarit, and in the west it reaches as far as The Sea of Ganpung and The Glacial Plains. The Yamato Region pretty much entirely consists of the mountainous peaks and valleys of The Shashan Mountains. Yamato is overwhelmingly inhabited by Wildkin, though as of 0 SF, the number of Hominids has been increasing, owed mostly to the eruption of The Vulspar (see: Rungholt) and the subsequent exodus of The Grey Giants (see: The Hominid Strain).    


Yamato is generally split between 2 distinct climate zones: The inner valleys and the northern coast. The Inner valleys are where the bulk of the population of Yamato is located. The climate here is cold, but not devastatingly so, with temperatures generally varying between -10 to 15C (14-17F) during the calm seasons, though temperatures can dip as low as -20C (-4F) during the harsher seasons. The Natural disasters most common here are earthquakes and avalanches.
The northern coast region, also referred to as Hisame as the name suggests, is the land on the northern coast of Yamato. They are generally sparsely populated, and there are almost no permanent settlements in this area, most likely because they would be blown away by the frequent blizzards and coastal storms here. Stretching from The Hisan Woods in the east to The Glacial Plains in the west, the temperatures here are actually fairly stable, stable below 0 that is. Temperatures generally fluctuate between -20 to 0C (-4-32F), it rains, snows and hails frequently, and the harsh seasons can cause temperatures to plummet all the way down to -40C (-40F) during the depths of Duma.    


Considering both latitude and altitude, Yamato is a lot more densely populated than one might think. The deep river valleys that rave through the mountains provide ample farmland despite the at times frigid climate, and the northern Shashan Mountains protect said valleys from the harsh winds and storms that would otherwise batter them from The Shattered Sea and the northern sea.
All in all about 400.000 people inhabit Yamato, the overwhelming majority of which are of The Wildkin Strain.    


The two prominent polities that inhabit Yamato are Shizumi and Tang, though The Yuyan Dominion also has a few territories here, consisting mostly of the lands south of Tomai Pass.    


Mountains & other geographical features:

The Glacial Plains
The Great Heights of Begarit
The Icewind Crags
The Mori Karsts
The Shashan Mountains

Forests & Swamps:

The Gojin Woods
The Haejin Marshes
The Hisan Woods
The Nishima Woods
The Torikami Forest

Bodies of Water:

Lake Hiroku
Lake Nagami
The Ameno Bay
The Mie River
The Sea of Ganpung
The Tori River
The Yeongsu River
Yamatai Lake

Miscellaneous Landmarks:

Tomai Pass

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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