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Created to explore and harvest the exterior of mountains where other races lacked the strength and endurance to survive Goliath are among the most powerful of the mer. Living largely in the Nyborg Frostlands, atop theDurundar Mountains and a few small communities on isolated mountainous islands Goliaths are a hardened people who focus on their own survival and what they can contribute to their clan. Those two week to aid the clans survival are banished or killed without remorse and with the same swiftness that weak leaders are eradicated.   Goliath are often desired as slaves by arenas due to their ferocity as fighters and thus bold slavers often attempt to find Goliath children that wonder too hard from the clan. Exiles are also offered substantial coin to fight in such games lured with the prospect of new glory to be found in their combat.   More often than not common folk believe Goliaths to just be enormous humans failing to recognise the species as different. Goliaths are proud enough to challenge such remarks when they have achieved greatly but are often willing to allow it to pass unchallenged for their own ease in everyday life.

Basic Information


Goliaths are massive humanoids averaging between 2.1 to 2.4 meters tall with extremely muscular but notably hairless, except for in rare hybrid offspring's, bodies. particularly   Goliath skin was often grey, white or brown and was extremely tough often compared to stone both both its hardiness against the weather and weaponry. One of the most distinctive features of the Goliath were the black, often vertically symmetrical, face tattoos that covered their entire bodies depicting the stories of their lives. Goliaths used these marks to keep track of their past with markings and symbols understandable only amongst themselves. Their skin was also often littered with bony growths called "lithoderms". These growths were roughly the size of a coin and appeared like studded pebbles on their arms, shoulders, torso or head.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goliath reproduced sexually using penis-in-vagina intercourse. The testicles of a Goliath male were notable kept within the species body in a pouch of skin along the perineum to keep the semen warm during the harsh winters their species were native too. The skin of the pouch was able to thin in heated conditions allowing a unique style of temperature regulation.    Gestation in the womb took twelve months on average birthing live young who were able to mature into basic independence often within the first months of their life. Birthing of Goliath children is often a difficult and extremely painful experience though the death of the mother is a rare occurrence with many entering a coma for a period of months instead.

Growth Rate & Stages

Birthed live a Goliath grows quickly in the first few years of their life with basic responsibilities usually being assigned by their third year. During this time most younglings are responsible for tools and tasks around the camp until their clan  chose them to begin hunting.   Usually their hunt day comes after puberty begins in their sixth year of life. Puberty starts with physical changes including a gradual increase to muscle mass and height before internal changes including a deepening of voice and mental cognition improving. Puberty usually takes four years but a Goliath can continue to grow until their twenty-sixth birthday.   The few Goliath that reach old age begin to experience a deterioration first of their mental capacity and then of their physical abilities. The collapse of their physical abilities often leads Goliath to choose to leave their clan  in favour of a final battle against nature.

Ecology and Habitats

Goliath prefer remote areas with extreme weather conditions most commonly at high altitudes against the frost. As a result most Goliath Clan can be found atop mountains or in frozen tundra. Some Goliath, particularly those having escaped slavery, do however make camp in deserts and other extreme biomes still favouring a test against nature and away from the weakening influence of the other mer.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goliath are omnivores that can survive on very little food if necessary. Their diet thrives on large quantities of meat and berries but during periods of scarcity a Goliath can easily survive for a month without eating or drinking before any symptoms of malnourishment begin to appear.


Goliath tend to be avid survivalists condemning any and all forms of weakness. Their clans are tight knit groups where every member contributes or faces exclusion creating aggressively atomistic individualistic members. Goliath hate wastage and use every part of the creatures they hunt or plants they grow often being willing to entirely abandon a way of life if it results in any surplus and useless materials.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goliath Clan are best understood as anarchistic compounds where every member is out to keep themselves alive. Each member must provide and caring actions such as healthcare are provided on the assumption that they will be repaid on the cared for citizens recovery. Those who are unable or unwilling to prove their worth are banished from the clan whilst those who are considered acting against its interests are almost always faced with death. In either case the decision is made by the Rotau, the ceremonial chief of a clan .   The Rotau possesses absolute authority on all matters of law within the community. They are chosen as the greatest huntsman in the clan who uses the skull of the kill as base of their throne. Any huntsman who achieves a greater kill is then raised to the rank though the sitting Rotau is entitled to leave the clan in search of a finer prey to prove their worth.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goliath are capable of magic due to the innate arcanum within their bodies. They are also extremely hardy and able to endure freezing weather conditions and biting blizzards that would kill other species. Though not a natural biological trait their prolonged time atop mountains meant that many practiced a style of slowed breathing that allowed them to survive without aid in other extreme conditions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goliath names have only one component which alters as their life progresses. Though some chose to add the suffix 'of the Clan _____' the atomistic nature of Goliath Clans  means many cease any sense of obligation to their home once they leave it.   At birth it is taken from their more notable parent with the addendum -dotir or -sson. This remains the case until they reach puberty when their name becomes a description of their life so far often denoting a single adjective of their nature or expectations of their future. As they reach adulthood their name can be changed at any moment of their willing to mark an occasion, achievement or other physical alteration.

Relationship Ideals

Goliath tend to mate for life forming bonds that last until death and whose lives they protect as fervently as their own. These unions often form the basis of any healthcare or support in their lives though even these have limits against Goliath customs. Any partner or child who sustains an injury that would forever prevent them from a worthwhile contribution to the clan  is expected to take care of themselves and spare their loved ones of the need to dispose of them.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goliath speak Giantish as their primarily language but adopt Common if needed to engage with others. Goliath do not usually enjoy conversation or reading and thus rarely learn any languages but those they absolutely must know.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goliath tend to view other species as weak and resist interaction with them. Amidst the mountaintops they often encounter groups of Snow Elves whom they view with a broad disdain believing them to waste resources on aesthetic pursuits. Dwarves are often encountered from time to time but the Goliath tend to have a less hostile perception keeping a mutual distance and respect. Where necessary Goliath are willing to act as scouts for other races though they often charge a steep fee for their services.
Scientific Name
Sovok Atkev Yikhhe
80 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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