Rainy Dawn Tavern

The Rainy Dawn Tavern & Inn counts among the most successful taverns in King's Crown, maybe even in all of Aesen, run by the renowned former adventurer Allenaz. Great food and drinks are served at more than reasonable prices and a stay at the inn is usually also rather affordable. It leaves many people to wonder, how such a place can remain profitable. But alas, the proprietor of the Rainy Dawn Tavern simply doesn't tell his secrets.


The Rainy Dawn Tavern used to be a small, run-down pub until it was bought and renovated by the adventurer Allenaz, who put his adventuring spoils to use to renovate, upgrade and re-brand the place completely. Since then, there have been floors added, magical security measures put in place, new staff hired and the menu of the Tavern has kept growing steadily, as new delicacies from all over Aesen are discovered and imported to King's Crown.


The entire tavern is built in a late-medieval timbered house style. The ground floor has a tall ceiling with sturdy wooden beams that are integrated into the interior design with ornamental carvings depicting stories of adventures and epic legends. Most of the floor consists of a large tavern area with plenty tables and seatings for customers. There is also a back room for VIP guests. The upper floors offer many rooms for countless paying tenents. The basement offers plenty of storage for all of the tavern and inn needs.


The Rainy Dawn tavern is located in The Hill, but it is also well-defended against any would-be burglars or thiefs. Magical wards make it difficult to enter restricted areas or take anything of value. Many of the regulars are mercenaries and other kinds of dangerous folk, so taking it on with the tavern usually means upsetting a lot of dangerous people.
Alternative Names
Rainy Dawn Tavern & Inn, Rainy Dawn Inn, Rainy Dawn
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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