Smoky Ember

The Smoky Ember stands as a stark contrast to the opulence of Velvet Seduction in The Majors. Nestled in the heart of The Hill, this seedy establishment is known for catering to the less savory desires of its patrons. As you approach its dimly lit entrance, you can't help but notice the faint scent of desperation that hangs in the air.

Purpose / Function

The Ember occasionally features entertainment in the form of bawdy songs and crude jesters. These performances offer little sophistication but cater to those seeking raucous and vulgar amusement.

The establishment employs a motley crew of individuals who serve as both entertainers and companions. These "Ember Girls and Boys" are known for their rugged charm, and they cater to patrons with fewer inhibitions. Unlike courtesans, they provide services that are brash and unapologetically unrefined.

While The Smoky Ember may lack the finesse of more upscale establishments, it still upholds a degree of discretion to protect the identities of its patrons. However, the risks of scandal and exposure are notably higher in The Hill, given the less regulated and more dangerous environment.


The Smoky Ember's exterior exudes an aura of secrecy and disregard for decorum. Flickering lanterns and a tattered awning provide meager illumination, casting eerie shadows on the stained brick walls. The sign, bearing the image of a burning ember, is faded and weathered, an emblem of its gritty reputation.

The Smoky Ember's interior is a dimly lit, cramped space. Dim, flickering candles barely illuminate the room, and faded red velvet curtains divide private corners from the common area. The air is thick with the scent of cheap incense and tobacco smoke. Patrons hunch over worn wooden tables, nursing drinks while casting furtive glances.

Discreetly tucked away from prying eyes, the back rooms offer a degree of privacy for patrons seeking more intimate encounters. These cramped, dimly lit spaces are adorned with tattered tapestries and worn-out furnishings, providing minimal comfort.

The Smoky Ember's bar serves drinks that are as bitter as its reputation. Patrons can order low-quality spirits, watered-down beer, or bootlegged potions. The bar's clientele includes a mix of locals and outsiders looking for a taste of the Hill's darker side.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location


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