The Hill

The Hill district, colloquially known as "The Hill," stands as a stark contrast to the opulence and order found in other parts of the city. Perched atop steep hills in the southern region, it is a place where poverty, desperation, and lawlessness thrive.


Unlike the well-patrolled streets of other districts, The Hill rarely sees the presence of the City Guard. As a result, criminal activity thrives in the district, making it a haven for those who operate beyond the law. While some mercenaries may find opportunities here, the average citizen or traveler is wise to tread carefully, for danger lurks in every shadow.

Points of interest

In the midst of the district's darkness, one establishment shines as a beacon of hope for the lower class. A retired Tabaxi adventurer, with a heart full of compassion, purchased a modest tavern and transformed it into the "Rainy Dawn Tavern". A fortune was spent on renovations and upgrades, and the inn quickly became a bustling place that offers comparably cheap food and drinks to the neighborhood. Affordable lodging with high-security measures provides a safe haven for those seeking respite from the district's dangers.


The Hill is characterized by its low-quality, often ramshackle wooden housing, a stark contrast to the sturdier structures found in other districts. Seedy bars, brothels, and run-down inns dominate the landscape, catering to a population that struggles to make ends meet. It is a place where the downtrodden find a semblance of shelter, though at great risk.


The Hill is situated in the southern part of the city, its elevated terrain acting as a natural barrier between it and the bustling Majors to the north. Winding streets descend from the hills, providing access to the more prosperous areas below. To the south, a single gate within the city walls is the sole passage to the outer world.
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