Character Creation

Character Creation

Creating a character can be a long complex process. There's lots of options and character types to create from the swashbuckling pirate to the scheming lord. You can create almost any type of character. Good, Evil, a bit of both. While you can make a character in any order you choose, this is the recomended start for creating a new character.

Assigning Attributes

The first step in creating a character is to assign their attributes. You can go to the Attributes page to assign points for your character. These points determine your characters base skills and abilities.

Character Race

After assigning attributes, you should determine the race of your character. You can choose your character's race at the Playable Species page. Make sure to add the bonuses from the racial stats to your character.


Once you determine your character's race and attributes. You should write their background. You can find backgrounds on the Backgrounds. Make sure to work with your GM with your background, such as family, home, culture, etc.

Proficiency Levels

You may notice as you gain certain features from your race and backgrounds that you're gaining level of Proficiency in certain skills. For now, just make sure to mark these down on your character sheet and we'll come back to them later. As well as Natural Talent and other abilities.

Weapons and Armor

From your background, you will get access to starting items. Many of these items can be found on the Medieval Weapons and Medieval Armors pages. You will also have gold to spend to gain more of these items.


After determing your Background, fill in your personality traits on the Personality Traits page. This will help flesh out your character to make them more than just a set of numbers.


Features is the last major page for character creation. This is where your character can unlock abilities and level up. Features and Abilities Will allow you to assign abilities to your character to finish fleshing out their skills. After you finish that, your character is complete. Whenever you level up afterwards, return to the features page to unlock new abilities.
Also make sure to check out Feature Specific Articles for different types of Feature Classes, Combat Features, Intrigue Features, and Magic Features.

Magic and Spellcasting

If any features you take are under the Magic list, then you'll need to go to the Magic to learn spellcasting and abilities.

Character Sheet


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