Carrius Simara Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Carrius Simara

A tiefling brought up in an orphanage on the outskirts of Zafeíri, Carrius Simara never had the comfort of true family growing up, but, when he got older enough, he found another, far more intimate comfort. The comfort of women. As Carrius grew so did his desire for this comfort, which eventually turned him into a vampire. After many adventures with his group, The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., Carrius was known as one of the world's greatest heroes, being given an estate in Zafieri for his actions, where he now resides.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Andreas is a purple tiefling, with wavy indigo reaching just past his eyes. Despite his age, Andreas looks like a young adult, with his aging being prevented by his vampiric blood. His eyes are a bright, glowing red, like most tieflings, except his eyes are like dim, crimson lights when viewed in the dark. He is often spotted wearing a burgundy coat, with a v-necked, white cotton shirt. His tail is adorned with silver bracelets, and he wears leather trousers, with tall cuffed boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Humble Beginnings

Despite the reputation of eloquence that Carrius is now known for, he started out as so many others, and orphan, raised in the city of Zafeíri. Although he was surrounded by the glum of my other orphans, he found little to hate in his life. He had a warm bed, food and decent guardians, being the careers that ran the orphanage. He was never bothered about whether he's be adopted or not, doing very little to appeal to the parents who looked for a child to raise as their own. This mattered very little when his talent for the lute was discovered by a visiting bard, who visited the orphanage while Carrius played for the other children, beginning his time as an entertainer. The bard did not adopt Carrius, believing that the life of a traveller was not one for a child, but did give him his lute as a form of inspiration, which he took to heart.  

An Early Adulthood

Carrius left the orphanage at the age of sixteen, with nothing but the clothes on his back and his prized lute. Quickly, he learned how he could make his living. He was talented bard and skilled song writer, but what made him so popular were his looks. By the time he truly entered adulthood, his free life became one of many lovers, with all beginning to know his name, whether for better or worse. His lifestyle was a dangerous yet exciting one, becoming a heart throb for many noble women while becoming an enemy of many noblemen. This was not the life of a young man; however, and he knew this. His youth would not be eternal, yet his name could be, should he find true glory. This is when he decided that, with his charm, he could coarse others to win the tournament during Kitzstadt's Founding Festival, which is when he met The Gauntlet.  

Founding the Gauntlet

At first he saw the other member of The Gauntlet as a means to an end, a way to gain prestige without needing the art of combat; however, he found the others so very interesting. They had so many interesting stories between them, stories that could be used for great proses written in his name. Because of this, he decided to stay with the party, eventually befriending them all, even in spite of his eccentricity getting them into trouble. Specifically, being quite the romantic, Carrius became intrigued by the blossoming love between fellow members, Echaron Fellon and Tharla Olyth, often declaring himself the reason the two finally got together, calling himself the angel of love whispering in Tharla's ear.   As the adventures continued, Carrius found himself being of less and less use to the party. For the first time, he felt a deep sense of guilt, cursing his own lack of power as he continued to watch his companions suffer. They had found themselves tangled in combat with the Cult of Kanerast, with one of their members, the necromancer Allohaust killing The Gauntlet's first official leader, Uther Artax. Since this, Carrius felt the need to become more powerful so that this would not happen again, which came by chance after accidently spending a night with a vampiric mistress. His powers grew only a little, but this rush of strength, even if it was slight, gave him greater validation.  

Becoming a Master Vampire

The string of vampiric power would continue in Carrius' most famous tale, when The Gauntlet battled the higher vampire mistresses of The Isle of Beasts. While his allies battled their army of gargoyles and ghouls, Carrius snuck into their tower, meeting with the head of the mistresses, Kiya Yokura. Although he exaggerates the tale into him sleeping with Kiya as his allies fought, in reality, he simply talked to her, genuinely confused, yet intrigued by her choice to live their immortal lives in isolation, rather than revel in their power and immortality. A debate begun, which Carrius won, with Kiya asking Carrius to drink from the Bloodwell so that he could lead her and her sisters into a new life.   As a reward for quelling the vampiric mistresses, The Gauntlet were gifted a large estate in Zafeíri. When Carrius' journey with The Gauntlet ended, he returned to the estate, making it the home of the higher vampires, while simultaneously making it the hotel of his dreams, a hub of music and levity. While Kiya's two younger sisters left to journey the world, she would remain with Carrius, with the two becoming quite the pair.   

Raising Adria

Despite his vampirism causing him to return to his physical prime, Carrius somewhat regretted sleeping around in his youth. This came to ahead when Adria was left on his doorstep, his dhampir daughter. To many people's surprise, Carrius became quite the father to Adria, using his knowledge of swordplay, which he picked up during his travels, to coach his daughter, causing her to become the famed fencer that she is today. Now, Carrius has somewhat settled down, hiring some of The Continent's most talented musicians to his hotel, The Three Mistresses, reveling in the realisation of his dreams.


Adria Simara

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Carrius Simara



Carrius Simara

Father (Vital)

Towards Adria Simara




Despite being a bastard child, ever sine Adria was put on Carrius' doorstep he has treated her with great love and care, raising her to the best of his abilities. Despite this putting a dampening on Carrius' playboy like reputation, he has never held it against his daughter and, despite Carrius' very flirtatious way of conversing often embarrassing Adria when she witnesses it, Adria truly loves her father as well.

Current Location
Unknown, goes by 52
Date of Birth
Unknown, Uses the new year to gauge his age.
Indigo, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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