CAMP Session 70

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
    CAMP Session 70
Heist of a Lifetime #2:
Pre-Heist Tension: The group notices a tense atmosphere with Cassandra Angelos and others, sensing something ominous in the air as they head to Gaius Basil 's mansion.
Infiltration: The team encounters two separate groups entering the mansion, both appearing to be robed and trying to remain unnoticed. The group learns that Xindrus Helstain and Stellio Copperfield are among the intruders. They seem concerned but do not betray the group, indicating they might be allies.
Distraction and Sneak Team: Murium and Cila Colkyre are instructed to tidy up the downstairs study by an old lady. Korzin Sabroth hears a conversation where Stelio and Zendris express discomfort in the house and mention a mutual friend in green, hinting they are not on Percy's side. Meanwhile, the Sneak Team (including Haegwin and Folantis) reaches the vault. They solve a riddle involving bones and perform blood sacrifices to unlock the door.
Vault Discoveries: Inside the vault, the team finds Percy's arcane focus and the Seal of the 8th Circle. They also discover a cool staff, an animated shield, and a Cape of Mountebank that smells like brimstone. They hear Percy's voice, threatening further action against an unseen enemy.
Escape and Chaos: The mansion’s maids discover Korzin, leading to a confrontation where Cila uses control magic to handle the situation. Stelio and Haelstain help the group escape through a train from the mountain.
The team splits up: Folantis, Hyria, and Theo head into town, while Haegwin, Cila, Murium, and Korzin return to camp.
Post-Heist Events:
Theo’s Search for Ulrich Atzetari : Theo investigates the chaos in town, noticing that the Cobras are outnumbering the Reptilians The Constable’s office is engulfed in flames, and Ulrich is missing. Theo learns from a sheriff that Ulrich was kidnapped by a group of men dressed in black. Theo pursues these men, eventually spotting Thomas Bareak leading a group of legionnaires and realizing that Barique was involved in the kidnapping.
Return to Camp: The group that returned to College for Adventurers at Minos Point discovers no legionnaires there. Korzin heads to bed, while Cila and Haegwin go to Haegwin's dorm where they find Bellwas lying naked on the floor. Cila insists that Haegwin creates something requested by Sufuentes and discusses their situation openly over a sending stone.
Rhubarb s Condition: Hyria and Folantis head to the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, where they learn Rhubarb is in critical condition after being hit hard in the battle. They decide to head to the Snake Pit to find a cleric to help him. The situation at The Snake Pit is chaotic with ongoing fighting, and they must battle through to find a cleric to save Rhubarb. This episode is packed with action and tension, focusing on the heist, the chaotic aftermath in town, and the group's efforts to deal with the consequences, including saving their allies. The group faces internal and external threats as they navigate their complex situation.



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