CAMP Session 77

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two

CAMP Session 77
Character Interactions and Developments: Heagwin Helstain talks with his very intoxicated roommate, Belwas Garcia , before class. Folantis Pluma receives a letter from Fawks Pluma , inviting him to join in on killing pirates over the summer. The fish's communication is now reduced to just "Fey magic." Murium gets a letter from home, signaling his return to his village for the summer. Cila Colkyre 's door is being tampered with by Nataal Sairoisi who delivers cryptic messages like "She will understand" and "You will resolve everything." Theo has a dream of his father in an Egyptian-style tomb.
Class Session: Alton Longbranch discusses the recent addition of the landmass Atlas to their world, Minos , touching on various effects like weather patterns, ecology, geopolitics, and the economy. The value of gold continues to drop, turning to lead, while the theft of Moonstones from Altas might balance things out. Alton bluntly criticizes the group's intelligence and emotional maturity but thanks them for saving the world. Nataal Sairoisi interrupts, delivering more cryptic statements, including instructions to speak to Stellio Copperfield , read the walls, and mentioning an impending battle where "an army 100 strong will kill the warlock." He ominously concludes that they will graduate, hinting at upcoming bloodshed and doubt. Alton seems to know what’s coming and is smug about it.
Preparation for Downtown Trip: Haegwin and the group grab coffee while Theo checks on his bird, Nakobe, who is sad. Theo Atzetari inquires about the ongoing search for Zephyr At the jailhouse downtown, Stellio isn’t present, and the guard asks if they are followers of Iris due to strange Fey readings that morning.
Encounter with Percival Bloom : At the docks, the group meets Stellio Copperfield , who is surprised to see them. They relay Sarosi’s words to him, leading Stellio to point out Percy, who is imprisoned in a cell. Percy is scrawling on the walls, repeating the symbol of "They who comes next" and phrases like "Basil was wrong" and "Octavia Basil was wrong." Folantis questions whether Percy made a new contract, causing his insanity. Folantis and Cila talk to Percy, who reveals he has given away his Wish Sword, likely for power. As the conversation ends, Percy smirks and attempts to teleport away, but Folantis counters it with a clutch Nat 20 on a Counterspell. Percy retaliates by using Shatter on Cila and Folantis, shattering the window and jumping out toward Muruim.
In a shocking turn of events, Percy tears off Muruim’s arm. The session ends on a dramatic note, with the team facing a significant battle against a powerful and desperate Percy.



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