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Aldebaran V4: What Lies within Another's Eyes

General Summary

The session begins with everyone waking up within the Sights and Smells. Sha had slept in one of the single rooms upstairs, while Rozalin had purchased a communal "adventurer's" suite that everyone else had slept in. With Maya and Rozalin waking up first, they'd be treated to the breakfast buffet of the bar/hotel. In time, Luner and Mordecai would join them. They would discuss what had happened yesterday after Maya and Rozalin went to bed. A paladin of So'lith would allude to searching for an amuru'shi and Sha would attempt to intervene. Luner and Mordecai would run after him, where he'd get attacked in the night with slings before running into her in front of the alchemist's store. When the two of them heard this they'd look into helping the alchemist Shiggy, especially since said paladin was walking down the stairs and greeted them.   Luner and Maya would leave to go get Shiggy while Sha would come down after. The three of them would chase after Maya and Luner and head towards the Two-Tailed Sales. Everyone would eventually meet up. Conversation was had, and then everyone would go to the guard captain Prouthec to report the incident. Finding out that the paladin was called Tishi Vern'ali and that she was part of an order called the Radiant Light, Prouthec would describe them as hard to touch. Powerful and influential, the most they could was question her and sent a guard detachment to Shiggy's store. He did promise that if anything were to happen, she would be held responsible for her crimes. When all was said, he'd also let them know that the organizer of the attack, a being known as the Pupil, was hiding within the Temple of the Omnifideus. They are unable to touch him while he is there, the place being neutral ground, but he should be unable to harm any within as well. Shiggy seemed happy enough with the guards and thanked the party for their assistance, if it weren't for them he likely would not have even reported the situation. He would leave them then to head back to his store.   With the day still early, the party would head towards Thuaxl's Blacksmithery and get some equipment. Checking on the progress of their commissions, Mordecai would thank his egg brother. Sha would snicker and get berated. Not a very important detail, but it had to be included. Stepping outside the blacksmith's store, Sha would want to split up and go to Ishy's Scrolls n' Sundries. Luner would want to come along, and he came up with a response as to the terms of "later". She would unhappily relent the point. While Sha made his way, the rest would head towards the Temple of the Omnifideus to speak with the person who might have organized the caravan's attack.   Outside of the temple, the town guards seemed to be on alert and in high numbers. People still filed in with regular occurence, but with it being a Wednesday, the temple was not nearly as packed as it had been yesterday. Inside, they'd walk down the darkened halls of Omorful'henzio Khakranzee sect. At the end they would find the lone figure. The Pupil would turn to face them, a strange amurrun with an uncanny smile. Hairless and very slender, and with a sharp gaze that betrayed nothing, the party would question his motives. The Pupil would dance around their questions, sometimes answering with useful bits of information, but for the most part he spoke in riddles. Throughout their conversation, he'd allude to the fact that perhaps he is happy that they escaped their situation. He claims to follow the dark truth but is following his own interpretation on how to protect it. The party somehow threatens this dark truth, but they might also be its protectors according to him. Ogazi was also someone the Pupil spoke of, that she somehow also threatens that dark truth, but the fact the party released her was "something that needed to happen sooner or later". Apparently, she is far older than she seems, but she certainly didn't look like it for the brief time they travelled together. He'd challenge them to research her, to look in a library and see if she was someone of note.   Meanwhile, Sha would make sure that no one was tailing him. Moving through the crowd, he'd actually spot Tishi asking some civilians if they knew about an usatokki shopkeep. Knowing that time was short, he'd move towards the store stealthfully. It was surprisingly difficult. Managing to do so on his second attempt, he'd reconvene with Ishy. With a whole store of magical supplies at their disposal, Ishy wanted to capture her alive if possible. Sha would ensure his safety as best he could before handing Ishy the strange apparatus from the Spinal Ruins. Then... the two of them would wait. It would be a few minutes before Tishi would loudly enter and declare her intent. Managing to ambush her, the two of them would disable and knock her out. With the paladin at their mercy, only time would tell what her fate would be.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Talked with The Pupil.
  • Defeated Tishi Vern'ali, paladin of So'lith.

Character(s) interacted with

Bartender (Unknown) (Ōkagǒu) - Another of the bartenders of the Sights and Smells, he'd serve any customers during the breakfast buffet. Discussing their plans for the day, they'd split partly to go round up Shiggy and report the paladin's trespasses to the guard captain Prouthec.   Shiggy (Amuru'shi) - With Maya and Luner meeting the alchemical gremlin, he'd have to be persuaded into standing up for himself and talking to the guard captain about how he was threatened last night.   Steve (Human) - Would meet the party outside the garrison and take them to Prouthec.   Prouthec (Amurrun) - The party would take Shiggy here to report how his life was threatened by a certain paladin. Prouthec would reveal the paladin to be part of an order called the Radiant Light, a militaristic and powerful faction of So'lith's clergy. Unfortunately, he was unable to do anything to the paladin directly besides finding and questioning her, and giving Shiggy a retinue of guards to defend his home.   Thuaxl (Iruxi) - Sha would split from the party here, heading toward Ishy's Scrolls n' Sundries while the rest would head towards the Temple of the Omnifideus.   The Pupil (Amurrun) - A mysterious figure would be the only one within the Eye's section. Known as the Pupil, he would dance around the party's questions and speak in riddles. He seemed happy that they escaped from their ordeal, also noting that everyone who died in the attack was all to "make it look real". When in regards to Ogazi he would allude to her being more than meets the eye, and tell the party to go searching in the local library for what that name might actually mean.   Ishy (Usatokki) - Sha would meet up with the strange rabbit within her store, her distress evident. Helping to come up with a plan, they would manage to ensnare and defeat the paladin. Ishy still held some twisted feelings towards the paladin, revealed to be her sister, and would seem intent on making her into the same type of creature that she is.   Tishi Vern'ali (Usatokki) - The paladin of So'lith, she was here to root out a monster living within the city of Cosiax. Intent on challenging her, she was ambushed by Ishy and Sha within Ishy's Scrolls n' Sundries. Sha would give the strange apparatus to Ishy, and golden chains would wrap around the paladin. It was simple afterwards to knock her out.
Ending In-Game Date & Time
Janarth 4rd 294 A.D. / 11am
Report Date
05 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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