Calibo Wetlands Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Calibo Wetlands (CAL ee bow)

the Wetlands of Mainor


The peat-filled wetlands of central Mainor straddle the Calibo River estuary and push against the Theo Val Mountains to the east. The wetland swamps were known as 'the Trembling Ground' by the ancestors of the modern Maine people, largely due to the annual flooding from Argoa Bay that would, and still does, create sinkholes and tidal mudslides in the region.


The earliest inhabitants of Human that migrated to the Thoamaine Peninsula settled in these wetlands along the river somewhere in prehistory. As to did later arrivals, such as the Lizardfolk that would become the Sarhareia people.


The Calibo Wetlands are part of the greater Mainor wetlands surrounding Argoa Bay. While it has much of the other flora and fauna of common in the greater wetlands, such as Glasswort and Saltcedar, the Calibo is also heavily forested with Black-gum Tree and Gulf Cypress, especially north of the Calibo River. It is also home to many carnivorous plants believed to be created or imported by the Qwn’yia as protection for their central domain.


The swamps are home a variety of wading bird species, as well and amphibians. This includes the Mainor Crocodile, a breed of giant saltwater crocodile that some believe were created by the Qyn'yia. Though native to the Calibo, the species has spread across Tobia's Gulf, becoming a problem for the many coastal communities that dwell along the marshlands that makeup much of the gulf's coastlines.

Wetland / Swamp

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