Nhanah Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Nhanah (NAH ah nah)

Farland Fairy


The 'Little People', the 'Fair Folk', or the 'Nhanah', are a community of Fairy living in Tinjir. They are a mixed group survivors from the Seblug and Onoma Elder Tree fairy communities. To the fairy folk time and history are irrelevant, they keep no records and only live in today. This has made their history very hard to discover. What is pieced together give us a rough understanding of this unique community of fairy.


It is unknown how any of the Seblug fairies survived Dragonfall and the burning of their tree along with Karasaanu. At some point after the founding of Zalpula these survivors found their way into the new nations. Later, they will be joined by their Onoma kin that had traveled with the Elf after the death of Onoma. The fairies lived a peaceful, albeit sad, life in the forests around the Zalpula capital of Thapoddo. The records, like most during the age, are lost to history after that, but these fairies are later confirmed to be dwelling on Inage Island with the elves that colonized it during the Black Collapse. There they have lived since. The two people, elf and fairy sculpting and enchanting the island's forest into a new land for their peoples.


The Farland Fairies live far from the blissful life of the southern fairies in their elder trees. For fairies souls are connected to their elder tree, without which they will slowly die. But the Onoma and Seblug fairies survive, thanks in large part to their islands magic. They may not thrive, but they have found a peace in their life despite the longing to return home, even if it is nothing but a corpse today. This longing has led many to leave the harmony of the island to seek out what they lost, most never returning. Some die on the journey, others find the corpse of their tree and pass from this world to be with the tree in death. Still others, those with a strange spark, foreign to most of their kind, look out to the world beyond and want to see what's out there, if there are other trees and fairies surviving. These fairies often attach themselves to adventuring parties, especially those with elves in their mix and find a new life.


Nhanah wings are described as being butterfly like. Omona wings are usually smaller than their Seblug cousins. These wings are semitransparent and can be of any color. There is a social hierarchy among the fairy, with lighter colors considered more favored than darker. Females seem to have more pastel colors over the male's darker colors, greens and blues are most common for both. Seblug fairy skin is pale, often ivory like or near white, sometimes with a green tint. The Omona fairy skin appears similar though often with a glint of blue. This differences, however, have largely vanished as the two peoples mixed over the generations. Fairy hair and eye color often match their wings, with blue and green being most common, though this is not a forgone conclusion. Ancient fairy were known to wear leaf and flower petal clothing. The style remains in the modern day, though more artificially created with silks rather than using actually leaf or flower.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 Int, +1 Wis, +1 Chr


Alignment: Nhanah lean to more neutral alignments.

Age: When living in their native elder tree fairies do not age or die of natural causes. Farland fairy, having lost their trees live around a thousand years dwelling on Inage Island. Those that leave for the adventurer's life for about a century only.

Size: (Small) Nhanah are often taller than their other kin, ranging from 6 inches up to 1 foot tall.

Speed: 30 flying. Fairy rarely walk, only using their legs for standing or when they have to.

the Shroud: All fairy are protected by an aura that makes them unnoticable by most humans (see the Shroud for details.)

Fairy Magic: Magical creatures, fairy innately can use the Druidcraft cantrip as a natural ability.

Fairy Lights: Beginning at 3rd level, regardless of class, Nhanah can cast the Faerie Fire spell. Requiring a lot of energy, the fairy will need a long rest before being able to cast it again naturally (Though it is considered a known spell and can be cast as a spell using spell slots if needed.)

the Hidden Ones: Beginning at 5th level, regardless of class, Farland fairy can become invisible using the Invisibility spell. This can be used once per long rest, with the rest required to rebuild the energy needed to use this ability again.

Fairy Flight: As stated above, fairy use their wings as their primary transportation, this prevents them from wearing medium or heavy armor.


Language: All Fairy, regardless of type or location speak Artadai (High Elvish), with very little dialect changes between region. This is their primary language. Adventuring fairy of Tinjir will usually learn Novynesse (the Common Tongue) if they adventure with humans, or Sebludai (Farland Elvish) if with elves.


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