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New Ancestral Weapons and a Birthday Celebration

Cultural event


The Path of Nightshade travel to to tower to anoint the weapons of Bobushio and Thuniel in preparation for the travels ahead. Bobushio unlocks some of Gilderoys Memories. Gilly, Thuniel and Bobushio have a party for Moz's 27th Birthday.

The Path of Nightshade decide to anoint Ancestral weapons for Thuniel and Bobushio, need the blood of a dragon killer, called a Behir. They can also travel to to Shura in Kucca who might have the ability to help them. There is an orc shaman that is the Doyen of Enchantment at The Aislinn Tower might have information.   It is decided to teleport to the Tower in Greywater, and have the ship fly to follow them there. Then if we need to travel to Kucca, the ship will be with them.   During the course of the las two months, the Rockshire families are becoming more amicable and willing to work together. Gilly wants to send a party to go get her ship the Ellinore and sail her to Rockshire.   In preparation of the journey to The Tower The Dragon’s Redemption needs a crew of ten to man it. It currently has six crew Carmella, Dr. Tick, chef, Rosco, Wart, Luna. Bobushio convinces one of the Tieflings at The Diamond Leviathan to join the crew. Bobushio also suggests that they invite the factions to send a representative to help man the ship and learn how the ship works. Big Tuna says he’s okay with Gilly being the representative, because they are low on people, so if they send someone, it can’t be someone important. Gilly asks for the gardener who keeps getting his hat stolen, Bowen Thistledew.   Wildcard sends an alchemist named “Sky Full of Stars”, and she owns the Enchanter’s Monitor. She makes potions, a brown tabaxi.   Gerrig Grimhelm manages to convince Grildor from Helms Ferry to convince his mother to let Gerrig go with Gilly on the ship. Misty and Redla okay it. Grildor is overjoy because he believes he is responsible for the budding friendship between Gilly and Gerrig.   Rosco Urnon gives Captain Gilly a ten page report of everything Benedict has done in the past few days, most is useless information. Bobushio goes to Benedict to charge him his pirate dues. He negotiates 8000 GP. Thuniel has her hand out for repayment and Bobushio gives her 2000gp.   Bowen Thistledew is overwhelmed and grateful and amazed. He says he’s older, but he will pull his weight. He says he’ll clean and is an excellent botanist and cultivator. He’ll do what he can though.   Gerrig arrives and asks where he’s staying. In Gilly's quarters? He gets her reticence and presents her with a pastry from the Shadough.   Sky Full of Stars has bottles, many empty bottles and ingredients. She isn’t sure why she’s here, but she’s happy to meet Gilly. She asks where she can put her stuff. She says she’s good at alchemy and potions, and she’s willing to experiment with concoctions. She can have a portion of the workshop.   Thuniel has a little goodbye with Zips. Zips gives Thuniel a bridle piece for Meera, and Thuniel gives Zips her favorite brandy. Zips just wants to know it isn’t goodbye forever, and Thuniel reaffirms that she will come back.   Redla gives Bobushio an ambiguous kiss, and Bobushio is oblivious, but Thuniel gets a read that Red is just really devoid of companionship. She feels fondness and kinship with Bobushio, but not romance quite yet.   Gilly has to decide who is first mate while the Shades are gone. Carmella is the best choice, so Gilly makes her acting captain. Rosco is let down until Gilly reminds him that he’s her inside man.   After they teleport to the Tower with find themselves in a beautiful room with marble walls and the guard recognizes us immediately and unlocks the door.   They are led to the office of Onag a elderly orc with white robes & rose trim. He is a strong orc with a big white beard. He yells at us that we are three minutes late. But he’s joshing. What can he do for us?   Gilly starts to explain there desire for help with the ritual for ancestral weapons, but then he catches sight of Curvy and Moz's Mantle and demands to know its story. Not how it was made, but of its adventures. He’s ready for the full story. Then he asks the weapons themselves, and is surprised that Moz and Gilly were honest.   He has a beautifully smooth, perfectly straight ivory staff. He sits and listens to the weapons while everyone sits silently. Some of the slain speak through the weapons to the ears of the Orc.   Bobushio tries to interrupt, but The Doyen says Bobushio doesn’t have anything that speaks to him. Bobushio says “Yet?” The Doyen says he cannot do the thing, but he can help us find the material and components to do it. Moz volunteers and they start gathering the materials.   Onag uses his staff to open spiral stairs down to a perfectly clean study. He pulls out a basin and a bottle of Behir blood, and says that it’s unusual that someone who is not an orc is in tune with nature and the spirits. What are we anointing? Thuniel pulls out her scimitar.   Onag says he’s not supposed to touch it, but because the sword has an enchantment on it, he needs more stuff. Moz takes the blade and lays it atop the basin, then goes all Avatar. She sees what has happened to the blade and recognizes that she is standing near the edge of Dal Quor - The Dreamscape. Gilly and Thuniel recognize that Moz is making a connection to the Dream Realm and channeling thoughts and dreams that are stored there. The blood in the basin molds and forms and begins to cover the blade. The blood sparks and becomes clear and absorbs into the blade. The scimitar looks basically the same as before, but Onag studies it and can hear it. The blade changed to lightning damage its base elemental energy.   Bobushio wants Gertrude his pistol to undergo the ritual. The difference between the memories is interesting. Thuniel’s scimitar memories were light greens and whites. Bobushio’s are more red, gray and muted dark tones. Gertrude is blessed and Bobushio now always knows what way is north, how long until sunrise and sunset and eidetic memory for a month. Moz is thrown off by the fact that Bobushio’s colors were so different and she gets distracted by flashbacks of her dream of the door and people saying “You’re the one.”   Moz does get insight into Thuniel and Bobushio’s pasts and some of the lives they have taken. Going to bed that night, Moz remembers that tomorrow is her birthday, and she’ll turn 27.   Thuniel goes in search of somewhere to buy a rare item for Moz. Gilly goes in search for something too. She goes to Marwynn to ask and then finds a garden at the bottom of one of the towers. People are working the garden, so Gilly asks if she can sneak into the garden and take something. Marwynn says “Don’t let anyone see you. We didn’t have this conversation.” Gilly sneaks in later, steals a plant, and is spotted by a Gnome with white and green robes. He doesn't seem to mind her being there as he is late for a important meeting with other members of the faculty.   Onag can do the enchantment Thuniel wants, so she goes to him to create the item she wishes to get Gilly.   Bobushio checks on the jewelers at The Ruby Chain and makes sure everyone is okay. He is reunited with Vicky Richie the owner of the Shop and member of the OniKuru - Pirate Kings Empire. They have a brief discussion about the current affairs of the nation. Then Bobushio goes into the back area and questions Gilderoy. He says the wizards hid his memories in a Tower called Solanna Bael (History Guarded by its Makers in Elvish). Gilderoy says his intelligence doesn’t come from the armor, his intelligence could be put into the vessel. Someone tried to collect all the armor so he could work, because his intelligence is so spread out in all the pieces of armor. He used to be a sentient being. He doesn’t know who or why and most of his personal memories are missing. He was made to give information to people who needed it, but he can’t give information that his creators didn’t want him to give because they removed those parts.   Bobushio comes back and tells the party what Gilderoy said and Marwynn says that she knows about that tower. It’s off limits because it was long ago stripped of all the knowledge and information, but it’s still trapped. It’s just north of Wyestone in the broken lands, outside the Albion Alliance, in the Western Spine. Everything was pulled out of there a long time ago and all the information is stored in the Tower now.   Set up a party, small dinner. Gilly gives her a sprig of gillyweed dipped in edible glitter. Bobushio and Thuniel also present Moz with A Amulet of Health. They party with just the 4 of them and Marwynn until the next day with The Dragons Redemption shows up. They have another party with the crew as well.   The next step is to research what they got out of the tower Solanna Bael, while Bobushio flies with the ship to the tower in the Brokenlands.

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