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Finding Allies in The Silver City by the Bay

Civil action


The Path of Nightshade decide to travel to Ethios find Aela Shepard and ask her for help to get an audience with Andran The Silver King to present him with the head of Scaramouche to help with war effort.

As The Path of Nightshade, Luna, Chef and Zaim DoEtt discuss the potential options to do with Scaramouche's head. Bobushio comes up with the idea to take the head and the pages to Andran The Silver King of Ethios since Ukaru is at war with The Silver King.   The party uses a Treestride to The Argenti Tree to travel to the center of Ethios. Moz is able to find a tree large enough for all to pass through. They arrive in Ethios where an ancient silver dragon Hadaronos The Shining Tempest rules with Andran The Silver King.   Moz and Gilly notice that there are far fewer people since the last time they walked these streets. The guards are more sparse inside the city and no one notices the exit of the tree. After a little wandering through the city toward the castle they realize The Silver Corps would stop them if we try to go see the king, unless someone sponsors them for an audience.   The party finds a member of The Silver Corps, Kelkesh, who recognizes Moz and Gilly. He asks how we got into the city. The request to speak to Commander Aela Shepard. He escorts them to the Barracks and Aelas private quarters and tells us to wait for her. The door is locked, but not for long, Gilly and ISAC sneak into the office, while the rest wait outside.   The office is adorned with knickknacks and mementos from her kids Tali and Miranda and a collection of feathers and memorabilia from her adventures with The Circle of Six. A crest of Gwendolyn - The Summer Lady is hung from the wall. It seems some white feathers are hugging the walls where they might have not been cleaned up lately. Gilly finds partially burned letter in the trash with Brerenax’s penmanship on it.   The guards are unsure how long it will take Aela to return, so they offer to put the party in an inn. Gilly suggests The Wandering Rest that they stayed in before. They are greeted by the innkeepers son Alexus is excited to see Gilly and Moz, and he’s pleasantly surprised to see them alive. Alexus kicks the residents out of the good room despite his mom’s Laras Jharthraxyn protests.   From the Inn that is located in the Rootstock close the the bay, the party can see the blockade in the harbor. Laras laments they have had no new guests for months. She brings food and tea to the party. Bobushio instantly recruits Alexus as a helper when he tell him he is The Pirate King. Bobushio asks Chef to give Alexus ice cream, and Chef goes extra and hands out ice cream to everyone at the inn. The energy of the tavern goes from depressed to elated in a moment and the ice cream party continues most of the night. Luna is looked on with suspicion by those who have noticed she is warforged so she retires to her room.   After a nights rest, Aela Shepard arrives in the morning. She is still wearing her anointed armor as a Champion of The Summer Lady and is as beautiful as ever and a vision of strength. The party explains why they asked for her. Aela says my friends are a priority over this silly war, I will help you get a audience with Andran, unfortunately but cannot stay with them as she must attend to the city. Chef, Zaim and Luna stay at the Inn.   The party catches Aela up on the recent successes of finding more chapter and information of the Grimores. Aela also informs them she and Garrus are still living together. She still hopes to find her daughter some day. Aela says Brerenax has sent many letters asking for updates on the situation, but she hasn’t responded to most of his correspondence. She is not working close with Brerenax so they would not be distracted from thier duty. She says after the war, she will take time to reevaluate and see how she actually feels.   As they arrive to The Airgead Castle, Aela gives everyone a swan feather for luck. They are escorted to the room where Brerenax was put on trial. The Throne has been brought down from its ledge and King Andran greets the Party. He recognizes Moz and Gilly and asks "Tell me of you adventures!!!" He reminds them of the arrangement to tell him stories when they returned. He introduces himself and greets Bobushio with all his chosen titles "Hero of Onigashima and Protector of The Maidens Honor." Andran recounts a brief version of what he has heard of Bobushio and The OniKuru. Andran then questions Thuniel and learns of her family and of the Simbelmyne Horses. He states he prefers flying, and Thuniel makes a mental note to find him a wyvern.   After introductions the conversation turns to the concerning war. The party then shows the silver king the living head of Scaramouche who immediately starts praising Andran, so quickly they bag him again. Bobushio recounts the story of battling The Warforged Assassin in the city of Crow and they defeated Scaramouche. Andran believes Scaramouche must be a very early model as his ability to reconstruct his body is not a common thing. Andran knows the dragon Crowraxas the Grave that the warforged stayed and the miserable city of Crow. He makes a nearby scribe document the death and story for his histories.   Eventually King Andran gets down to brass tacks. "What do you want from me?" Bobushio explains that Ukaru destroyed Oni Island and recounts the terror from that day. Ukaru wanted to keep anyone from getting these pages that explain how to kill him. He sent his most trusted assassin Scaramouche with transporting it back to him. We intercepted the pages after his defeat and figured this information needed to go to Ukaru’s strongest enemy.   Andran The Silver King is impressed and gratefully offers positions to the party to help in the war effort. They respectfully decline and offer to be allies. Bobushio lets him know that he doesn’t have any resources to bring to bear now as his Pirate Nation is in tatters. He is working on gathering it back together. Then Andran tells the scribe to put them on the pass list to be able to come in to talk with him at Airgread Castle as needed. Bobushio suggests connecting with sending stone and Andran is intrigued with the idea.

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