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Return of The King

Technological achievement


The Path of Nightshade are approached by an old friend Bobushio and he asks for there help. He tells them a tale of the distruction of the OniKuru and the attack on Oni Island. He also brings a revolutionary new technology with him he calls The Dragons Redemption.

Bobushio came and found the party and explained his circumstances. Thuniel waited outside in the other room while the rest of the party talked to Bobushio. Bobushio asked for permission to join them adventuring to be able to regain power that he had lost so that eventually he could go and rebuild the Pirate Nation of OniKuru.   Bobushio described Ukaru as a mad chaotic tyrant who isn’t making sense. As soon as the Maiden’s Honor took flight Ukaru’s forces came in overwhelming numbers and force and simultaneously attacked all of the strongholds. The people scattered and ran. Bobushio tried to negotiate terms with Ukaru but he wanted nothing but the destruction of his people.   Ukaru’s forces were mechanical men who were alive and sentient but mechanical in nature. These “Warforged” warriors were brutal and difficult to stop, and Ukaru seemed to be able to reanimate them even after they had fallen.   Bobushio then walked them to the Dragon’s Redemption, a seemingly simple ship sitting in the middle of a field to demonstrate the technology that brought the wrath of Ukaru on them.   The Crew that Bobushio had with him were: Svee Desh (Chef) Doctor Tick Carmela Norman Rosco Urnon   The once-great nation of OniKuru is now in a state of Diaspora, the threes network exists but is spotty at best. Other sailing vessels are out in the world doing their best to rebuild the strength of OniKuru, but Bobushio no longer has power, and Pirate King is a vestigial title with no real authority, but he is still respected by the others.   Bobushio was able to hide The Maiden’s Honor in a hidden cave. It is not flight-worthy, but it could be repaired if needed. It is inaccessible at the current time but it is not in the hands of Ukaru. Drakenwall did not leave an Occupying force behind but utterly destroyed the settlements   After Bobushio shared his secrets The Path of Nightshade shared the mission that they had been working on for The Aislinn Tower. They explained that magic has been broken and that they were trying to figure out how to fix it. They explained that it was tied to Hrothbert and the things that he had been working on.   They know that there are tomes of power, and Caia can’t remember exactly but feels like they were told there was a cave and an island involved. She knows for sure that the Tomb of the Crossed Swords is involved. They know that Hrothbert and Winifred in an effort to make teleportation circles learned how to access the prime powers and channel raw magic. Winifred was destroyed by channeling too much of the power and Hrothbert is working to bring her back.   Caia asked Bobushio if he knew anything about Dolf aka Randolfo, and the only thing that he knows is that there is an abandoned tower owned by a Randolfo in a city of Blightfen.   The Path of Nightshade then proceeded to read the 3 chapters of The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred that they found. One of the chapters mentioned Talismans that Hrothbert crafted as a way to try and get in favor with the Sovereign Hosts and Alcath realized that they had used the shroud that Hrothbert created and that the glasses that he has are likely made by Hrothbert as well.   Bobushio argued that it wasn’t how magic worked. That the prime powers can not be manipulated independently. Caia pointed out that it isn’t how magic works NOW, and that we have seen places where the weave has become weakened. That on Nepttin the island jumped between planes and that after Nerezza was defeated that it stopped moving.   Bobushio agreed that he could concede that things may not be as he understands and pointed out that They fought Nerezza on an island in a cave where the weave was weak and that Caia remembered that description. It might be worth it to travel back to Nepttin to investigate further.   Bobushio asked if the plan was to get all of the information about these books and then act on the knowledge or if we were going to act on the knowledge and get the information as we go?   Alcath explained that while this is an important quest that the current operating procedure was to get information as it is available, they all have things that they are working on and they will find information as they go and act if they need.   The group returned to the Lokenvale Athenium to continue to research and for Bobushio to speak with Lysse Lyrriman dSilvis about what Ukaru is doing.   In Caia’s research she discovers that Astrafell may have a manifest zone that overlaps with Lamannia, a plane of existence where raw unbound nature is untouched by civilization and that is why the plants grow so well there.   Bobushio made his statement to Lysse Lyrriman dSilvis about Ukaru. The council had him notarize it. Bobushio explained that it makes no sense what he is doing and that there needs to be a reason for him to act like this after all this time. The council explained that Drakenwall and Ethios have always had bad blood between them. That The Silverking and Ukaru have never gotten along well. And that Ukaru must be a title passed down from ruler to ruler because a Genasi can not live for 800 years. Bobushio is not convinced that there isn’t some underlying political reason. Even though a ruler can be mad and invade countries on whims there are usually reasons. A desire to regain lost power, advisors that are feeding them bad information, etc. Something     Gillie took the time to ask Bobushio what he knows about the contracts that have been put out on her. He explained that when he looked into it he found that there are multiple contracts from all three of the factions (Ivy Hill, Helms Ferry, and Stormpeak Clan). He doesn’t know why the contracts were put into place and one clan may only be doing it to keep another clan from being the group to do so.     The Athenium supposedly had four chapters but they only found three. While searching Thuniel found where the book with the fourth chapter should have been but the chapter was not there. What she did find was a few stray hairs that were new. She enlisted Alcath’s help to identify the hair and determined that it was Tabaxi's Hair. The group did not notice any Tabaxi while they were at the Athenium but remembered that there was a tabaxi at The Dueling Knight. Gilly pointed out that the leaders of the Stormpeak Clan are tabaxi.   Caia is currently researching the Tomb of the Crossed Swords looking for references to the Tome of Power.

Related Location
The Lokenvale Athenaeum
Related timelines & articles
The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)