
The region of Numidia has a long and varried history of rulers and strife. For years, the wars between the Dragons and the Giants was waged here. Longer than anywhere else, the Giants claim to have never truly been beaten in Numidia, only when The War of Arcanum erupted were the giants forced to find refuge from the sheer carnage that occured here. Some of the took up arms for the Titans, and allied with the great city of Altanis, who opposed the divine armies coming north from Arden. But, the city was destroyed by the holy knights, who rode atop dragons and burned the country of the Giants to the ground. All that remains is the Ruin of Altanis.   When the war finally ended, great Dwarves dug into the mountains and formed great trading caravans out of Dur Drazig. They fended off elven kingdoms from Northern Eriadol, and welcomed the men flooding in from Varda. Since then the various sultans have taken up rulership here, and the influence from the titans never truly left. In every corner of Numidia, evidence of the giants and the titans can be seen, and felt in the culture.   The region of Numidia is ruled from the Grand Sultan in Sunsword, and the sultan gains his power from the localized Dukes throughout the kingdoms.

Articles under Numidia