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The Firbolg now known as Deacon was born in the wilds of Frigus. He grew up among other Firbolgs in a small group of nomads. As a young boy he was taught the druidic ways of Firbolg society, of The Creator and his Creation, and how to revere and honor them.   Although his early years were mostly peaceful, war between the Orcs, Goliaths, and their neighbors, forced his people to stay on the move. Eventually they decided to find a stable region to settle down in, leading them to Oreion. Although non-humans are often shunned in Oreion, these refugees were accepted on the condition that they integrate properly into Oreion society.   Deacon immediately became fascinated by Orieon. He believed that their highly structured society was responsible for the incredibly long lasting order and peace within the Inquisition. He was especially impressed with The Church of Creation , it seemed as though its teachings brought its members a much more personal connection with The Creator.   He quickly joined the church as a layman and dedicated himself to religious study and worship. Some high ranking officials of the Houses began speaking of the young Firbolg immigrant. Firbolgs are uncommon in most places, and these officials knew that a loyal Firbolg devotee could be very useful as an agent in rival nations. They offered to sponsor Deacon in joining the clergy on the condition that he would serve the houses.   While still living in Oreion, Deacon discovered he now had an affinity for magic. While he was taught about magic as a child, he never attempted to learn magic as it was strictly controlled in the Inquisition. Yet despite this, he still began to develop magical abilities without consciously choosing to do so. He accepted this as another gift from The Creator and started to use magic in secret.   At some point, Deacon became involved with the order of Paladins known as The Luminaries. One day, however, higher ups in the Luminaries met with Deacon personally to discuss a matter of grave importance. They explained that in recent years they have become aware of an organization calling themselves The UnCrowned, a shadow terrorist group that threatend to destablize all of Western Arkos if left unchecked. Deacon was told how the UnCrowned wanted to establish footholds and connections in all the major political powerhouses on Western Arkos, and their sources told them they managed to establish one recently in Victorum. The problem the Luminaries faced was that they could not send someone to investigate and discover who this UnCrowned contact may be as none of their experienced paladins would be allowed near any high ranking house members.   With all that explained, the Luminaries asked Deacon if he would be willing to use his ties to and knowledge of House Mengsk to investigate influential members in Victorum for ties to the UnCrowned. Deacon accepted, as it would also be beneficial to the Inquisition; rooting out corruption is something they specialized in and encouraged. After months of investigating and diligent work, Deacon’s explorations finally bore fruit after intercepting several strange letters sent using House Mengsk’s seal, detailing resource allocation and Veiled Hand troop movements. While the letters weren’t addressed to anyone in particular, they each had an odd symbol scrawled at the bottom.   Upon investigating further, Deacon eventually discovered the letters were being sent by Anastasia Cisarovna, a wealthy and influential member of House Mengsk and a personal advisor to Pontius himself. Unfortunately for him, Cisarovna and her accomplices had been doing some investigating of their own. On his way out of his investigation area, Deacon was stopped and arrested by The Idyll Keepers, a Iudex accusing him of treason against the Inquisition. Finding the evidence and letters on his person, Deacon realized that it was his word, the word of a Firbolg cleric, over the word of a highly respected and wealthy Oreion noble. Despite his innocence, Deacon was sentenced to death shortly after, thinking he had failed in his duties as a Luminary, as a cleric, and as a loyal citizen of Oreion.   In 1006 3A, Deacon was resurrected by the Alphacian Alex / Arcturus, along with the other members of what would become The Sanctioned.   During his time with the Sanctioned, Deacon worked tirelessly to unravel the mysteries surrounding Alex and the Alphacians, as well as the true source of his magical abilities. Upon meeting Janus, he also expressed a desire to help the Lightsworn atone for his misdeeds, but was ultimately deceived by Janus. Evenutally learning his powers had come from the Order Numina, Deacon worked to end the tyranny of both The Holy Light and Janus himself, wanting to avenge the death of Uriel - The Avenger, whom the firbolg formerly followed.   During his journey, Deacon died at the hands of Janus, but managed to be resurrected by the party.   After the death of Janus, Deacon met The Lord Commander himself at the top of Velant's Mt Bestyne. Proposing an alliance with the mutual goal of protecting Arkos from an unforeseen threat, Deacon agreed to work with the Lord Commander with the condition that he be able to work on a personal project of his that he referred to as "Sancutary".
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