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During the Cataclysm, many areas in the realms and The Cosmic Sea were tainted and destroyed by Fallen Ancients impacting them at the end of their descent. One such Fallen, Somnia, the Ancient of Dreams, fell at the base of the Realm Tree. Thankfully, Arbora and the Eladrin managed to heal The Realm Tree as the years went by, but the Fallen Ancient’s lingering corruption has festered and transformed underside of the Realm Tree itself. Now regarded as its own realm, Necrosis is the opposite of everything the Realm Tree represents. Where the Tree nurtures and protects life, Necrosis steals and corrupts it. It is a place of death, decay, and nightmares, as one’s own worst fears can become manifest amongst the gnarled roots and black earth. Once part of the Eladrin, the Drow owe their origination to Necrosis, as it’s energies are what first spawned their corrupted sub race. When a drow speaks of the “Dark” they serve, they are often referring to Necrosis. Arbora and the creatures she presides over have done what they can to keep Necrosis buried and contained, but every now again it makes its presence known.   Besides the Drow, Necrosis is home to many nightmarish creatures that serve to extend and strengthen its corruption. Some believe they are nightmares given physical form; others believe they are other races that embraced the chaotic energies of the nightmare realm. Due to their unknown origin and unpredictable nature, most have come to call these creatures the generic title of Nightmaren. Surprisingly, the nightmaren seem to have somewhat of a hierarchy within the twisting black of Necrosis. Like bubbles of puss spilling from a putrid wound, Necrosis is made up of spheres; each one maintained and controlled by powerful Elder Nightmarens. The Eladrin believe that the Nightmarens strengthen themselves and their spheres by feeding off of other entities' thoughts. A siphoning of the mind rather than the body. There are recorded cases throughout history of many mortals “visiting” other realms in a dream like state, only to wake up back in the Mortal realm moments later. In order to trap both creatures physically and in their dreaming state, the Nightmaren shape their spheres to reflect an individual’s fears, hopes, regrets and desires, whichever will be the most effective in keeping them there. The longer one stays, dreaming or otherwise, the more they are drained and the more the sphere is strengthened. Eventually, an individual will be drained completely, or they will succumb to the corrupting influence of Necrosis and become a lesser Nightmaren. Additionally, the more powerful/experienced a creature trapped in a sphere is, the more bountiful the feast they will provide the Nightmaren trapping them. After all, it is their thoughts that create the Nightmare imprisoning them. The greater their fear or desire, the more difficult it is to escape.
Planar Sphere/Grouping
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