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Middling Sea

Written by orphidor

Located between Chengai and Tasawa, the Middling Sea is surprisingly calm for such a large body of water. Fewer monstrosities dwell in its depths and unnatural occurrences are less common here.


The Middling Sea is calmer and shallower than the other bodies of salt water of the Middle Realm, but still not tame by any means.

Fauna & Flora

The intelligent races commonly settle along the Middling Sea's shores due to the less-violent nature of the waters compared to Chengai and Tasawa's outer edges. In particular, the Chillcurrent Lorsath, the Southern Adalei, and the Suktu prefer to make their homes here.

Natural Resources

The fish and plants from the Middling Sea are popular a popular source of food for the intelligent peoples who live nearby. The Lorsath make use of salt from the Sea in their signature food preparation technique.


The Vanished Ones built tall cities up and down the Middling Sea's coast. After the dawn of the Age of Balance, these abandoned shoreline cities were among the first to be officially resettled. Since then, commerce and trade has thrived as the population of the coastal settlements continues to increase.


The Sea itself isn't usually the end destination for travelers. The coastal towns and cities, as well as the natural beauty of the shorelines, are usually what attract the most attention.
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