Black Phillip, General of the Manslayer

Minotaur Fighter

Black Phillip was a minotaur fighter who appeared in Azimuth Campaign One. He was an NPC played by M.B.
  When Psaro the Manslayer conquered the bestial races of Parthenia, he did so by empowering and enabling the subjugation of the others by the minotaurs. The leader of the minotaurs, Black Phillip, became Psaro's head general and bodyguard as part of the Manslayer War.
  He was a constant threat to the Zenethian Children and hated rival of Rath, the Blackguard. He was eventually slain at the Citadel of Bronze by the Zenethian Heroes.



Black Phillp was a large, hulking minotaur. His fur was deep and black, and kept shaggy. He spoke very rarely.


Black Phillip was a figure of strength and intensity, enough to become the leader of the minotaurs and subjugate the other bestial races. Black Phillip showed no hesitation when causing harm and destruction. Black Phillip displayed a fear of Psaro and did what he was told without hesitation.



At some point in the late Fourth Age, Black Phillip rose to become the leader of the minotaur tribes of northern Parthenia.
  When Psaro subjugated the bestial races of Parthenia, he did so by empowering and enabling the minotaurs to overtake and overpower the others. Black Phillip became Psaro's head general and personal bodyguard.

Campaign One: The Zenethian Heroes

In 4A 995, Psaro the Manslayer and his armies attacked Branca, the Kingdom of the South, from the east. The armies of Branca were defeated and scattered and Psaro marched to the Gimora Mountains.
  On 24 Felim 4A 995, Psaro and his armies, including Black Phillip and Steverossa attacked Hometown. They slew most of the residents and captured the childhood friends of the Zenethian Children, who were magically disguised as the Children.
  Psaro's armies marched back across the Branca countryside, causing much damage, and went back across the Parthenian Sea to Parthenia.
  Later in 4A 995, the Zenethian Children triggered the alarm spell on Rose's Tower in Rosaville. Psaro immediately sent Black Phillip and his armada to attack the intruders. Rath was able to directly sense the approach of Black Phillip and warn the Children, allowing for them to escape. As a result of this, the armies attacked the coastlands and navy of Konenbur.
  In late 4A 996, Petra D'Silva feigned her defection to Psaro's armies. She presented herself to the leader of the navy vessels, Black Phillip. Black Phillip did not believe her, but offered her a chance to prove her resolve. He presented a dagger to her, and to prove herself, she took her own eye. The minotaur allowed her onboard and threw her to the under decks as part of the crew of the Falcon.
  Shortly after, the forces of Psaro engaged with the allied armies of Azimuth in the Battle of the Bay of Shipwrecks and the Battle of the Iron Marshes.
  On 3 Janafen 4A 997, the Zenethian Heroes entered the Citadel of Bronze and made their way to the shrine at its apex. Here, Psaro summoned Black Phillip and together they battled the Heroes. Black Phillip dueled Johanna and defeated her, but she was resurrected by Leo. Johanna continued the duel and Black Phillip was slain. After Psaro was killed, the magics of the barrier around Parthenia faded and destroyed the Citadel of Bronze. Before fleeing to safety, Johanna used the Zenethian Greatsword to behead Black Phillip, taking his head as her prize.


Psaro the Manslayer

When Psaro conquered the bestial races of Parthenia, he did so by empowering and enabling the subjugation of the others by the minotaurs. The leader of the minotaurs, Black Phillip, became Psaro's head general and bodyguard. Black Phillip displayed a fear of Psaro and did what he was told without hesitation.

Character Information


Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Date of Death
3 Janafen 4A 997
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Zenethian Heroes
Place of Death