Fungal Nursery

The Fungal Nursery is a large mushroom garden in the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage in Tarteria. It is a nursery for young myconids, which is tended by their kind.   It is the location of a sealed planar gateway between the Material Plane and Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness. This gateway was sealed and is tended to by its custodian, Releg Cirin.


The cavern where the Fungal Nursery is located is at an intersection of multiple Underdark tunnels. The rocky chamber is around 100 feet wide and across. There’s an expanse of different levels of calcium pools and fallen rocks, and large stalactites hang from the ceiling and fallen rubble is scattered on the ground.   The air in the chamber is high in humidity and temperature. There are fungal spores that hang in low clouds along the ground, and bioluminescent light faintly glows from moss growths on the ceiling and walls.   There are several large patches of short-stalked mushrooms, which can exude spores and jut spikes from their caps. In addition to these patches are a small number of larger mushrooms along the edges of the cavern and towards the small spring of water, which feeds into the cavern from one of the side tunnels.

Planar Gate

On the far side of the chamber is a sealed planar gate leading to Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness. In its sealed form, it is a crease or line of black energy which has been coated with green wild magic. Sprouting from this are tendrils and growths of mushroom plant matter, and the entire structure has been sealed within dark brown amber shards. The full structure spans from the cavern floor to the ceiling and the amber anchors it to these surfaces.   Previously, when the gateway was opened, it was a portal of physical darkness leading to a place with walls of prismatic black glass. Tendrils of darkness spread from the portal into the cavern floor and ceiling, which caused tremors to shake the area as they slowly spread.

Notable People

  • Releg Cirin: Releg is the human druid custodian of the planar gateway in the nursery.
  • "Red" and "Blue": These two myconids are the last of their "circle", and they tend to the mushrooms of the nursery.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, the autumnal equinox aligning with the Harvest Home holiday caused the barrier between the Material Plane and Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness, to become thinner. As a result of this thinning, and seemingly the blockage of Chedae, The Heaven's Light, from Tarteria at this time, a new planar gateway formed at the Fungal Nursery.   This portal allowed several grimmlet creatures into the nursery. “Red” and “Blue”, the two myconids that tend this nursery, battled against some of these creatures, but were unable to stop them all. Red and Blue were driven away.   Over the next days, this barrier slowly continued to grow. As it intersected the chamber floor and ceiling, this expansion caused tremors in the area, which were felt in nearby Bridon Tillage on the surface, which caused at least one sinkhole to form.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, Red and Blue returned with the Turnip Tillers. Together, they defeated the remaining grimmlet creatures. The wild magics of Róvhén Tinugalad and Duggg Duddins closed the gateway, and Róvhén sealed it with a nature-enhanced spell. To further hold it, the myconids used their song to grow mushroom plant matter over the seal.   Later, Releg Cirin examined the planar gate. He used druidic magic to fully encase the portal and plant matter in brown amber. Releg vowed to become the gateway’s custodian.
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)
Underdark   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane