Releg Cirin

Human Druid, Planar Gateway Guardian

"Doing my best to make up for what I can."
Releg Cirin is a human druid who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1 and Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2. He is an NPC played by M.B.   He is a druid with an element of uncontrolled, wild magics. He was traveling in search of a mentor to help him control his abilities, but when a planar portal appeared beneath Bridon Tillage, he helped to seal it and became the gateway's guardian.



Releg is a tall, reedy human man in his mid twenties. He has suntanned skin and wears his brown hair long, unkempt, and swept to the side. His facial hair is unshaved and wild.   He wears simple clothing, including a loose, brown roughspun hempen shirt and a drapping kilt with a belt. There are various trinkets and decorations on his clothes, which appear to be from wild beasts and animals. Releg does not wear shoes.


Releg seems unmotivated and easy-going, and he has a lack of formality which can come off as rude. He also seems susceptible to alcohol and lust, as seen with his inebriation during the Harvest Home festival and his repeated compliments to Borga Gorehide. Releg also said that he was kicked out of his home for his tendency to party too hard.   However, he also has shown he can take responsibility for himself and his actions. He took helping Bridon Tillage recover seriously after his mishaps, and he voluntarily chose to become a planar gateway guardian to help the town. Even still, there is an unsureness in his demenor, despite his apparent competence in druidic skills.



Releg said he was originally from Dorfaren in Burland, the Kingdom of the North. He said he was kicked out of his home and came to Tarteria following rumors of a powerful orc druid to train under.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1

On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, during the Harvest Home festivities in Bridon Tillage, Releg was drunk and stumbled into the Turnip Tillers's table at the Brace of Spades tavern.   He began to talk with the group, flirting with Borga and asking them if they knew anything about an orc druid rumored to be in Tarteria. Róvhén Tinugalad was intrigued by these rumors, but Releg quickly annoyed the party and he became combative.   Releg challenged the group to a drinking contest. Though he used Wild Shape to turn into a polar bear, Tanya Applebough outdrank him. In payment for losing, he gave the group a bag of coin and told them all he had heard about the druid.   After the contest, Releg stumbled away towards the maypole in town and transformed into a badger to dig a burrow in a turnip field down the road.   At some point during the night, Releg was attacked by a Brain Hood, which incompletely fused with him and caused his druidic magics to go haywire. By the morning of 23 Sedaena 5A 351, these energies had created strange, large turnip-like creatures, which attacked the village.   The Turnip Tillers rushed to protect the town, but they could not remove the Brain Hood from Releg without first knocking him out. Eventually, Borga and Tanya removed it and Duggg Duddins killed the creature.   After the battle E'larus healed Releg and shared wine with him. Releg seemed confused and delirious, but was somewhat aware of what had transpired. E'larus said Releg was to blame and convinced him the villager that died from Róvhén's magic was the druid's fault.   After Tanya explained what had transpired to Falamin Leabrace, the mayor demanded that Releg stay in town to fix the mess he was inadvertently involved with.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2

Over the next days, Releg assisted around town. He was helpful with the townsfolk adjusting to the newly animated turnips and with mitigating some of the continuing tremors around Bridon Tillage.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, Releg and Falamin Leabrace met with the Turnip Tillers and Theryn, a mercenary. Falamin asked the others to venture into the sinkhole and find the source of the tremors, and said he needed Releg to remain behind to help mitigate them.   Releg asked the group to be careful and gave them a small satchel of dried fruit and rations. Before descending, Róvhén joked with Releg that his efforts to mitigate the tremors may collapse the tunnels around them, which seemed to concern the druid.   Later, once the group returned they shared information about the Underdark tunnels and the gateway that had appeared at the Fungal Nursery. Releg shared that the light and dark in Tarteria had felt out of balance, and he asked to see this gateway.   Tanya, Róvhén, and Borga escorted him back, and on the way they discussed Róvhén’s magic, Gaia, The Allmother, and fate.   During the talk, Releg mentioned The Fox of Bonmalo stories when Tanya said there were no halfling heroes. He also asked if E’larus “would be down” and Tanya assured him he would be.   At the nursery, Releg examined the closed portal. He said it didn’t appear to be intentional and that it should fade as time passed. However, he didn’t know if the next solstice or equinox would open it again. He used his druidic magic to seal the closed gate in brown amber.   Saying that maybe this was what drew him to Tarteria, Releg promised to become the custodian for this planar gate.

Character Information


It was the uncontrolled druidic energies of Releg, caused by the interaction with a Brain Hood creature, that animated the turnips in the field in Bridon Tillage. Now, these creatures have become quirky residents of the village.   When a planar gateway formed beneath Bridon Tillage at the Fungal Nursery, Releg helped to seal it shut and vowed to become the planar gateway's custodian and guardian.


  • "I've been looking for this druid so I can go on a mentorship program, but this man is hard to find." - AA 03.1
  • "I'll show you drunk." - AA 03.1
  • "I’d hate to be the cause of more problems around town. Doing my best to make up for what I can." - AA 03.2
  • "Fate has a weird way of doing things. Maybe I wasn’t even really meant to find that orc druid, but I need to make it up to this town. And if that means becoming some type of custodian to this gate, it might be best." - AA 03.2
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Mid 20's
Date of Birth
Around 5A 326