Róvhén Tinugalad

Drow Sorcerer, Wild Magic, Outlander

"The magics of this world take many flavors and shapes."
Róvhén Tinugalad is a drow sorcerer who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1 and Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2. He is played by K.B.



Róvhén's skin is a pale black coloration. His hair is black and curly, and it is cut to just past shoulder length. He has a light constitution and long, pointed elven ears.   Róvhén wears a folded kimono-style robe and basic trousers. He wears a long jacket over this, which appears to be constructed of many dark leaves stitched together. This jacket functions as a camoflage and is common where he comes from. He wears and ornamented necklace made of many avian claws.   Róvhén has a sword, though he relies on his magic during combat. His spells generate leaf imagery and shine like starlight. He uses a wand-like divine focus which is made from the trees near Veldrinus.   Róvhén speaks with a heavy accent.


Róvhén is somewhat reserved in his speech and behavior. Often, he will let others speak for him until a matter of importance to him comes up. He is often calm and centered and appears to make an effort to be sensible and in control of himself.   He is also willing to try new things and seems open to a variety of experiences. This was seen when he tried the dipped apples from Tanya Applebough, as well as when he willingly entered the fungal spore clouds of the myconids. He also seems open with romance, as he said it was "not a bad way to make coin."   He is tuned in to natural energies and the way that life connects. This was seen in the ways he was able to connect with the myconid creatures of the Underdark, even before being able to directly communicate with them. He seems to show a level of reverance to Gaia, The Allmother.



Róvhén was born in Veldrinus around 5A 234.   At some point before 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Róvhén left his home and met the other members of the Turnip Tillers where he helped escort a merchant through the Northern Orcish Plains to Bridon Tillage.   During the travel, Tanya Applebough noted that the tents for Róvhén and E'larus were "loud" at night.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1

On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Róvhén attended the Harvest Home festivities at Bridon Tillage. The Applebough family provided baked candied apples, and Róvhén got a sugar high from them, as this was very different from his normal diet.   That evening, Róvhén had second dinner at the Brace of Spades tavern along with Borga, Duggg, E’larus, and Tanya.   During their conversations, Tanya was worried what might happen to Bridon Tillage if she left. Róvhén asked if there was no one else willing to fight, and Tanya answered the town didn't have many guards that stuck around.   A drunk Releg Cirin smacked into their table and began talking with the group. When he took another drink, Róvhén used Minor Illusion to make Releg see a burst of fire.   Róvhén was interested when Releg mentioned a powerful orc druid, and when Releg challenged the group to a drinking contest, he asked for any info he had about the druid as part of the wager. During the contest, Róvhén used magci to try to remove the alcohol from his ale, but accidentally made it stronger.   After Tanya won the contest, Releg shared the rumors he had learned about the orc druid.   The party eventually retired to their rented rooms. The next morning, on 23 Sedaena 5A 351, they were awoken by shouts from the street. They found villagers under attack from strange, large turnip-like creatures.   Róvhén and Duggg cast spells at range and he damaged several turnips. However, Róvhén lost control of his magic when casting a Shield spell, and a necromatic burst instantly killed a villager outside the Leabrace Homestead.   After the battle, Róvhén helped set the large turnip back into the field using a Dancing Lights spell, saying, "That's a tomorrow problem."

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2

As the group helped around Bridon Tillage, Róvhén took various easy jobs and assisted with his magic. He was consulted about the continuing tremors in town, but could not determine their source.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, they were summoned by Falamin Leabrace, meeting Releg and Theryn, a mercenary, there. They were asked to investigate the tunnels below to find the source of the continuing tremors in town. While gathering supplies for the trip, Róvhén purchased some rope and made a rope ladder to attach to the sinkhole’s edge.   Before descending, Róvhén joked with Releg that his efforts to mitigate the tremors may collapse the tunnels around them, which seemed to concern the druid. The group descended into the hole and began exploring. Róvhén used Dancing Lights to illuminate the tunnels around them.   When they encountered the myconids in the tunnels, Róvhén used his lights on his arms to mimic the glow bioluminescent moss on the cavern walls, which seemed to get the desired effect across to the myconids. After seeing Tanya enter their spore cloud to no ill effect, Róvhén also entered, breathing deeply and calmly, and sitting on the ground.   Red approached and mimicked the glow on Róvhén’s arms. As Red and Blue shared details of the danger ahead, Róvhén asked what the danger was and agreed to move forward with them.   At the Fungal Nursery, Róvhén was blessed by both E’larus and Theryn. As combat broke out, Róvhén snuck forward along the right flank and began casting chilling spells at the grimmlets. He focused his wild magics with Duggg on closing the spreading portal.   Duggg’s and Róvhén’s wild energies filled the chamber. Róvhén tried to solder the opening shut, and as his wild magic surged, illusory insects and verdant petals surrounded him, and he felt an extra push to his spell. His lightning energy turned green, and as the portal was sealed, the myconids used some of this energy to further close the gate with mushroom growths.   After the combat, Red asked where his energies came from, and Róvhén replied, “Coe Naneth,” and Tanya recognized the meaning of the words.   Back in town, the group reported to Falamin and Releg. Róvhén joined Releg, Tanya, and Borga back to the nursery. On the way, Tanya asked about his magic, and they discussed Gaia, The Allmother, and fate.   Falamin asked the group to report the events to a dragonborn in nearby Porgorag. Róvhén agreed to continue traveling with the group, and on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, they set out along the Belltree Road.

Character Information


On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, the Turnip Tillers accepted a quest from Falamin Leabrace to explore the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage to learn the cause of the continuing tremors in town. At a Fungal Nursery, the group encountered a planar gateway. They defeated the creatures coming through and sealed the gate, ending the tremors.   They later agreed to travel to Porgorag to report this to a young dragonborn and to seek out a rumored orc druid to further aid the town.


  • "Sit down, tell us your name, and tell us everything you know about this druid man." - AA 03.1
  • "To talk to someone you have to get on their eye level." - AA 03.2
  • "The magics of this world take many flavors and shapes. Who’s to say Coe Naneth did not give you these gifts?" - AA 03.2
2023 Character Art by K Bredain
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Around 117
Date of Birth
Around 5A 234
Aligned Organization
2023 Character Art by K Bredain