Tarterian Traders

The Tarterian Traders are a loose affiliation of several smaller trade guilds in Tarteria. They are a strong economic force in the Queendom of Keeleon and operate throughout the country.   They have a strong presence in the continent and seem invested in furthering their standing and reach, and they are seemingly willing to pursue less-than-legal avenues to do so. It seems strange to many that Tarterian Traders could hold such power on a country's economy, and there are some who wonder if internal dealings are the reason that the Keeleon economy cannot pull away.   It was later revealed that the Prophets of Regression were running the Tarterian Traders from behind the scenes. They were the money and force behind the gathering power in the guildhalls.


The end of the Fourth Age saw the near destruction of all Tarteria due to the Tarterian War. The rebirth of this nation was largely fueled by the goodwill of other nations and the influx of people and resources. To coordinate and manage the distribution of resources to the growing city centers in Keeleon, an organization was founded during the rebuilding: the Tarterian Traders.   As the rare ore, orichalcum, has been lost despite the queendom’s attempts to find new veins, Keeleon has been left to continue relying on these outside trade and merchant guilds into recent times. These interests have evolved over time into the current iteration of the Tarterian Traders, a loose association of powerful merchants and resource artisans that have a firm grip on the Keeleon economy.   The money-making avenues in Tarteria are being swallowed up and smaller traders, like the Hands of Ore in Porgorag, are being pushed out, regardless of what good they could do for Tarteria as a whole.


To most, the Tarterian Traders operate as a single guild, using the same symbology, structures, and resources. However, the Tarterian Traders are not a traditional guild in itself, but are made up of several guilds underneath it.   The leaders of these different affiliated groups do meet semi-regularly in the Dispensary in the capital city, Kievs. This place helps organize and maintain their endeavors in the queendom.   Outside of the capital, the guilds that are subsidiary in the Traders each control specific regions. There are four such regions: the northern port city of Port Haville; the central city of New Keeleon; the southern capital of Kievs; and the eastern port of Alena's Landing. Each subsidiary guild has their own guild house in their city where all their business flows through.  
  • Dispensary: Located in the capital, Kievs, this guildhall is where the leaders of the Tarterian Traders meet and maintain their presence in Keeleon.

Notable People

  • Guild Marshal Hagar Krugg: Hagar Krugg was a low-ranking member of the Tarterian Traders merchant guild before eventually becoming the current Guild Marshal of the Gold Council in Kievs. Bridging the space between the Tarterian Traders and the queendom’s coffers, the Guild Marshal has proved pivotal in keeping trade flowing up and down the Orc Highway with his surprisingly deep connections.
  • Mortimr Gwathagoldrin (former): Former member of the Tarterian Traders, Mortimr was an accountant at the Dispensary.
  • Borli Gwathagoldrin (former): Former member of the Tarterian Traders, Borli worked with the various transport caravans that moved between the Tarterian Traders areas of influence.


To coordinate and manage the distribution of resources to the growing city centers in Keeleon, an organization was founded during the rebuilding: the Tarterian Traders . They would rise to prominence as the primary mercantile force in the country in this age.   At some point before 5A 352, the Hands of Ore secured the contract for the 5A 352 Santeem Republic aid caravan, outbidding the Tarterian Traders.   In 5A 351, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin and his brother Borli take work with the Tarterian Traders. They moved to Kievs and began work in the Dispensary.   Since Avedar 5A 351, the Tarterian Traders began leveraging additional fees on the merchants of New Keeleon.   Around 14 Madaet 5A 352, Borli witnessed an interaction with Sir Talmid, a Tarterian Traders guard captain, and a hooded Azariel. An item in a black box was exchanged for money, and Borli heard whispers of a "next one".
2021 Art by K Bredain
Guild, Merchant