Darksteel Foundry

The Darksteel Foundry is a series of docks, smelter, smithy, and trade goods store run by the Hands of Ore guild. It is located in the city of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon. The facility is run by Borscha Brickwell.


The Foundry consists of a series of dwarven-style buildings, which are located on the coast of the Leviathan Sea on the northern edge of the city of Porgorag. The buildings are short and wide and made of gray stone and dark-stained wood, which are framed with angular metal braces in straight lines.   The buildings are arranged in a square with a central courtyard of trodden gravel, where goods are temporarily stored while in transit. There are a number of entrances to the courtyard, which lead out into Porgorag and to the Foundry's docks. The primary entrance for transport and supplies is a wrought iron swinging gate.   A number of dwarven staff and crew can be seen around the Foundry at most times of day. The Foundry operated on several skewed shifts.


The docks are on the northern end of the Foundry. They are thick wooden constructs, wide enough for cargo shipments to go back and forth easily. A number of small-scale cranes and rigging equipment for the movement of cargo are positioned at the heads of the primary docks, while gangplanks are available for smaller vessels.   The docks come up over the gravel beach, where detritus, flotsam, and other trash gathers. Nearby are salt-worn storage buildings with paint fading in the sun and sea breeze. They’re barn-style warehouse buildings set on solid stone foundations with big sliding doorways. Each storage building has upper-level maintenance accessways and catwalks made of black iron, and ventilation windows in the upper reaches.   The main accessway leads towards the Foundry's central courtyard, where a small dock-tender office sits adjacent, in a spot where it can easily see all the action and movement from the docks and warehouses.

Residence Facilities

The residence facilities are on the eastern side of the Foundry. They consist of dwarven-sized group accommodations for the Foundry's crew and staff. The crew quarters consist of many bunked cots in shared living spaces, which are separated by shift. There is a large cafeteria room, which provides dwarfish-style food, including dwarvish black coffee imported from Endor, biscuits with white gravy, thick sausages and bacon, breakfast ale, and some local fruits.   Each room has a water barrel fed from the outside. In addition to the bunk rooms, there are separate rooms for each of the ranked guild members, including Romsca, Smelter of Ingots.   On top of the building is a small metallic cylinder which holds water. Located on the ground is a donkey-run pump that pulls deep water from underground up to it. This is the same water that feeds into the nearby washrooms and a small bathing chamber with wooden tubs. The water is flushed out towards the Moss Docks.   Near to the residence facilities is a metal sewer grate covering, which was replaced on 1 Adroth 5A 352. The grate drains into the city's sewers, which were said to drain westward towards Westfield and the Moss Docks.

Ash Forge

The Ash Forge is the primary building on the western side of the Foundry and is the largest building of the facility.   Outside the Foundry's four wooden doors are a row of three bloomberg smelters and a nearby mass pile of charcoal is covered in an enclave set into the wall of the forge building.   Inside, it is generally dark. Two large furnaces are set to each side of the large, rectangular space. These furnaces are braced in stone and metal architecture with a full hearth of heated coals. Each furnace has a dwarven-style anvil set into the stone platform holding it. There are large, set-in bellows that run into the center of the furnace.   In the center of the room are four round stone basin reheating pits. There are adjacent, smaller anvils which each have a water basin and cooling racks.

Borscha's Office

Borscha's office is near the southern entrance of the Foundry. There is a canopied threshold which leads inside. There are a number of small, darksteel bookshelves and lattices holding books and scrolls. Papers and books are scattered across the various desks and tables. There is an adjacent storage room which Borscha has converted into a makeshift living space.

Tradegoods Shop

The tradegoods shop is the primary building on the southern side of the Foundry. There are two entrances to the shop; one to the city and one leading into the courtyard towards Borsha's office.   Along the walls are display pieces of various armor and weapon types. There is a central circular counter, which has appraisal gear set up for identification. There is a set of floor scales nearby for heavy weighted items for bulk trade.   On the outside of the shop on the stree side is a small shrine to Morounin, The Learned-Lady. It is a relief of a silver tower welded to the wall and adorned with silver bells. Two metal vases at the base of the silver tower hold small posy bouquets of blue poppy flowers. An inscription in dwarvish beneath it reads: “We pursue our skills and talents, and we honor those who wish to learn”.

Notable People

  • Borscha Brickwell: Junior Officer of the Hands of Ore. Borscha oversees the entire Darksteel Foundry.
  • Parn Snowale: Yeoman Member of the Hands of Ore. Parn runs the Tradegoods Shop.
  • Ambera Lightbraid: Yeoman Member of the Hands of Ore. Ambera runs the Ash Forge.
  • Vitibuk: Freeman Member of the Hands of Ore. Vitibuk runs the docks of the Foundry.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In 5A 349, Borscha Brickwell and Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, transfer from Endor, the First Mountain, to the Darksteel Foundry.   On 31 Madaet 5A 352, Romulus and Romsca fought two creatures that emerged from the sewer accessway near the residence facilities. The creatures were quickly killed in the Foundry's courtyard.   On 1 Adroth 5A 352, the Santeem Republic aid caravan arrived at the Foundry on the Provideniye, as did the Amarth'rilain. The caravan guards met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan in the Foundry's courtyard to discuss the aid caravan.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, the Amarth'rilain departed the Foundry, headed northeast. Over the course of the day, a large crowd continued to gather outside the Foundry, causing Parn to close the tradegoods shop entrance. Later that day, the party confronted a goliath member of the aid caravan in one of the storage buildings, and a combat ensued.   In the morning of 3 Adroth 5A 352, covered wagons from the Hero Hunters Facility arrived and were loaded with the aid caravan goods.   In the morning of 4 Adroth 5A 352, the aid caravan left the Darksteel Foundry, headed southwards.