Phoenix's Flight

Phoenix's Flight is a magic shop located in the Ingress District of Calen Estel. It is run by Celanoth Thoromel, and it functions as the base of operations for Celanoth as "Birdkeeper".


Phoenix’s Flight is a large two-story building of stained amber wood with red-and-gold velvet banners hanging on the outside. These banners flap gently in the wind and make it stand out from teh other elven style buildings in the street. The banners and the building are magically warded to be unaffected by weather.   There are slits of glass in the entryway doors that allow a view of the warm lit interior glowing from the inside out. This glass appears to be enchanted to be darkened when Phoenix's Flight is closed. Above the doors, a wooden placard has the name Phoenix’s Flight carved into it, and in dark wood burning marks is a stylized phoenix curling around the name.   The interior is quite warm and well-lit by lanterns that float in the air. These slowly rotating lanterns contain motes of fire burning within them, and the gentle flickering of them is mirrored between all of the lanterns in the shop. Hanging from the wooden beams of the ceiling are more red-and-gold banners, seemingly flowing gently in a nonexistent breeze.   Along the floor a grey ashen colored carpet trimmed in gold fabric runs along the long front counter to the right of the entrance. The counter curves to connect to the back wall where a side doorway and staircase are cordoned off with velvet rope. On the back wall behind the counter there is a shelf filled with many books.   The bulk of the inside chamber has long rows of shelves with all sorts of ingredients and items and material components that are sorted by quality and type. At the endcaps of these rows are locked glass cases with an assortment of items on display inside.   On the opposite side from the entrance is a round wooden table set into an enclave with a few small books laid out, and on a velvet raised platform is set a long rapier with shining jewels in the hilt and guard that reflect the building's lanternlight.

Notable People

Celanoth Thoromel: The elven proprietor of Phoneix's Flight.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 23 Madaet 5A 352, Ilmendwyth met with Celanoth Thoromel at Phoneix's Flight after being given Celanoth's name by the Sacred Guardians as a contact. Later, Ilmendwyth would return to the shop after rescuing Rudok.
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Serra Coast   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane