Commandment of Sky Guildhall

The Commandment of Sky Guildhall is a major trade center and merchant facility located in the Catlinites of New Keeleon in central Tarteria.   It is one of the four primary guildhalls of the Tarterian Traders.


The guildhall is a large, central structure surrounded by several other supply and storage buildings. The exterior has many large, lattice windows that allow air to flow freely into the building. Hanging on the exterior are large light blue banners that flow in the breeze. These banners bear the Tarterian Traders symbol.   The birch entrance doors lead to a wide and open floor with small tables and chairs like a large lobby. A few long counters with busy staff are near to the walls and a few small doors lead to other rooms. On the far side is a double staircase surrounding a warm and bright hearth.   The interior is open to the upper floors where loft offices are around the outside walls, where business of greater importance and complexity is conducted. These rooms are connected by walkways and balconies illuminated by the large, open lattice windows. On the second level is a prominent office for the guildhall's leader, which remains locked whe they are out of the facility.   Above, large billowing blue curtains and small, thin banners flow in the breeze coming in from the outside.

Hidden Areas

According to Lord Lortuk, there were parts of the guildhall's interior that appeared to be shielded from divination magic. This appeared to be true for several hiden accessways and tunnels encountered by the Lightbringers.   There was a hidden smuggling tunnel leading from the guildhall to one of the nearby warehouses. The entrances were sealed with an elemental sigil.   Behind several rooms of the main level and leading beneath the guild leader's office was another hidden access tunnel. There was a large metal door sealed with an elemental sigil. Behind this was a staircase leading beneath the guildhall to the Chamber of Titles.

Notable People

  • Sir Talmid: The most-recent appointed leader of the guildhall in charge of its operations and relations with the city.
  • Nabat: The previous leader of the guildhall before his disappearance in 5A 351.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
At some point in 5A 351, Nabat, the leader of the guildhall, disappeared. This left the guild leaderless until Sir Talmid's appointment to the position in early Adroth 5A 352.   After Talmid was appointed as leader of the guildhall, additional pressure was put on the city’s merchants, through actions including reneging on agreements and calling in debts.   Prior to Adroth 5A 352, the guildhall commissioned Argilla, son of Kla, to create a painting for display in the guildhall. While he was measuring the wall space, he saw figures in blue cloaks in the guild leader's office.   On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin, Chaka, Mortimr, and Romulus entered the guildhall with the intent of scouting out the interior and learning important interior locations.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, the guildhall was closed down and business couldn’t be conducted there. That same day, Rudok completed a delivery to the guildhall. Ilmendwyth discovered the guildhall had put a bounty on Arwin.   On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers infiltrated a warehouse of the guildhall facility. Using a hidden smuggling tunnel, they entered the guildhall building. Inside were cultists trying to find them. They found a hidden doorway beneath Talmid’s office, which led down to the Chamber of Titles.   Later that evening, Nalt Oknar Rulla arrived and cleared the remaining cultists with her queensguard. Holarust and Stuzrog were rescued. Soldiers were posted at the guildhall and its operations were shut down.   From 17 Adroth 5A 352 to 18 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers searched through the guildhall for information on the Prophets of Regression.
Parent Location
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane