Chamber of Titles

The Chamber of Titles is a hidden, underground religious shrine dedicated to the Primordial Elementals. It is located below the Commandment of Sky Guildhall in New Keeleon and is a secret hideout of the Prophets of Regression.


Beneath the Commandment of Sky Guildhall is a large chamber dug into the earth. The walls are made of bricks from the clay pits and kilns of the city, making a chamber nearly eighty feet across and fifty feet wide.   The stone walls, ceiling, and floor are covered with strange primordial runes and symbols written in Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran dialects. These form long chains of hundreds of names and titles sprawled over and across all available space.   These chains of names lead out from four proper names:  
  • Azur’tinax, The Emperor of Air, The Feldgrau Gale
  • Zi’magro, The Monarch of Water, The Hydrotic Wellspring
  • Mus’meno, The Overlord of Earth, The Sinoper Muse
  • Therm’askev, The Sovereign of Fire, The Burning Architect
  These runes were seen reacting to magic and spell effects. Elemental-based energies would alight the runes with glowing energy, which would slowly fade.   Whether as an effect of these runes, or from another unknown effect, divine energies reacted strangely in the Chamber of Titles. This was seen when Gertrude Oathenhammer attempted to pray here, and she was unable to make any connection to Chedae, The Heaven's Light.   Set into the walls of this room were two cracked, colored orbs. One was red and one was blue, and both emitted vibrant light. These were anchor points for two elementals. After these creatures were defeated, the orbs shattered and went dull.   On the far side of the room are three doorways leading to adjacent rooms.

Research Room

Through the far doorway is a large research room, which was identified as Maalik and Nabat's workshop and study. A ;arge painting of the pair of them was hanging on the wall.   There was a layer of dust on most of the various books, scrolls, and diagrams in the room. A vast amount of research was here, which detailed some of the actions and plans of the Prophets of Regression.   Set into the wall in this room is a sigil representing the inner elemental planes. This sigil appears to be connected to matching ones elsewhere. There are gemstones set into the sections of the sigil, which seemed to function as anchor and connection points for a communication spell.  

Ritual Room

Through the right doorway was a ritual room containing a large, inert spell circle carved into the stonework floor.   The circle's design includes numerous glyphs and nodes. Three nodes linked to the center were designed to pull or combine the items set there into a newly created object. Using raw materials, two sacrifices, and the energy contained within the Unsigned Paintings of the Great Beasts, the spell circle was used to create the Great Leviathan Bearing Stone.   Stored nearby were several magical ingredients and items.

Storage Room

Through the left doorway is a storage room area. Several boxes of supplies and magical ingredients were found here, along with a collection of magical items and diamonds.   In addition to this, there are two large cages constructed of metal bars.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
The method and manner of the Chamber of Titles' construction is unknown. Gertrude Oathenhammer could tell the stonework put the construction sometime around 5A 150.   Maalik and Nabat spent much time here as they researched many things on behalf of the Prophets of Regression.   Prior to Jeran 5A 351, the spell circle was used to create the Great Leviathan Bearing Stone.   On 10 Adroth 5A 352, Coinguard Holarust was captured by Sir Talmid as she investigated the Commandment of Sky Guildhall and held within the cages in the storage room.   On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Watchguard Stuzrog was also captured as he searched for the missing coinguard. He was held in an adjacent cage.   On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers found the Chamber of Titles. They battled two elementals held by bound cores, as well as Talmid and Shur. Though Mortimr was almost slain, Shur and the elementals were killed and Talmid was captured.   Mortimr interrogated Talmid, and Talmid was killed by the entity in Mortimr's head. Shortly, Nalt Oknar Rulla and the queensguard arrived. They killed the remaining cultists and shut down the guildhall.   From 17 Adroth 5A 352 to 18 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers searched through the Chamber of Titles for information on the Prophets of Regression. Rulla had wanted to destroy the Chamber of Titles. However, Lord Lortuk and Godsguard Shumedzar advocated to leave it for study.
Founding Date
Around 5A 150
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane